
Auto deploy of Docker Swarm services

Primary LanguagePython


codecov PyPi Version Python Versions

Updates a Docker Swarm service when a new image is available.


$ kapten --help
usage: kapten [-h] [--version] [-s SERVICES] [-p PROJECT]
              [--slack-token SLACK_TOKEN] [--slack-channel SLACK_CHANNEL]
              [--check] [--force] [-v VERBOSITY]

Checks for new images and updates services if needed.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             Show version and exit.
  -s SERVICES, --service SERVICES
                        Service to update.
  -p PROJECT, --project PROJECT
                        Optional project name.
  --slack-token SLACK_TOKEN
                        Slack token to use for notification.
  --slack-channel SLACK_CHANNEL
                        Optional Slack channel to use for notification.
  --check               Only check if service needs to be updated.
  --force               Force service update.
  -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        Level of verbosity.


$ kapten --service app --slack-token T00ABCD0A/ABCDEFGHI/xYzabCDEfGh1aBCCd12abCde
Updating service app to repo/app:latest@sha256:123456789