
An Eleventy starter as built for the following CSS-Tricks tutorial: https://css-tricks.com/a-community-driven-site-with-eleventy-building-the-site/

Primary LanguageHTML

😺 Meow vs. BowWow 🐶

An example of essential and suggested Eleventy (11ty) features for creating a community-driven site.

Created by Stephanie Eckles (@5t3ph)

Add Your Dog or Cat

To submit your pet, create pull request with that includes a new .json file named after your pet in the appropriate directory, either cats or dogs:


The json file contents should follow the schema below. You must provide a full URL to the photo of your pet as image uploads will not be accepted.

  // Required
  "name": "Fluffy",
  "petColor": "orange",
  "photoURL": "http://placekitten.com/320",
  "ownerName": "Bob",
  // Optional
  "favoriteFood": "FancyFeast",
  "favoriteToy": "squeaky mouse",
  "ownerTwitter": "#"

Feedback welcome!

You can file it as an issue.

Buy me a coffee