
❣️ Base repo with Next.js, GraphQL, and Prisma.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Next.js GraphQL Prisma Base

Base repo with Next.js, GraphQL, and Prisma.


Clone the repository.

Install Dependencies

Install dependencies with yarn.


Set Up Database

Fill out DATABASE_URL at .env (example: .env.example).

# You can set up a local development database with docker compose.
# The default DATABASE_URL in .env.example connects to this db.
docker compose up -d

Migrate the database.

yarn prisma migrate dev --skip-seed

Seed some dummy data.

yarn prisma db seed

You can view database tables using Prisma Studio.

yarn prisma studio

You can reset the database with:

yarn prisma migrate reset --skip-seed

Generated Files

Some files (named as **/*.generated.*) are automatically generated.

With the generation ordering:

  1. Prisma & Nexus Types

    Database types are generated from src/prisma/schema.prisma and stored in node_modules.

    yarn generate:prisma
  2. GraphQL Schema & Nexus Typings

    After defining the GraphQL schema using nexus and next-nexus in src/graphql/schema.ts, we can generate the GraphQL schema file src/graphql/schema.generated.graphql and the nexus typings types/nexus-typegen.generated.d.ts by starting the server and initiating a query.

    yarn dev
    # and open browser http://localhost:3000/api/graphql
  3. Urql GraphQL Types

    From the back end generaged GraphQL schema src/graphql/schema.generated.graphql and the queries we wrote in src/{pages,components}/**/*.{graphql,js,ts,jsx,tsx}, we can generate the front end types src/graphql/codegen.generated.ts.

    Read more in codegen.yml and GraphQL Code Generator.

    yarn generate:codegen

The generated files will be generated again before making a commit. See .husky/pre-commit

You can run all generations with:

yarn generate

Start Next.js App

yarn dev

The main page endpoint is at http://localhost:3000.

The GraphQL endpoint is at http://localhost:3000/api/graphql.