
The TCP Server for Tobii EyeX Eye Tracking Device on Windows

Primary LanguageC#

Tobii EyeX Json TCP Server

TCP Server proxying Tobii's EyeX eye tracking device on Windows.

Getting Started

  1. Install EyeX SDK on Windows
  2. Add the following references to the Visual C# Project
  • lib/EyeXFramework.dll
  • lib/Tobii.EyeX.Client.Net20.dll
  • lib/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
  1. Copy the following to Debug/bin directory
  • lib/Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll
  1. Build and Run the Project. Make sure port 6555 is not allocated or use by other programs.

Supported Devices

Tobii EyeX

Supported Features

  • GazePoint Data Stream
  • EyePosition Data Stream
  • Calibration Request
  • General Engine State

Protocol Document


Available Clients

⋅⋅* Chrome App / Chrome Extensions https://github.com/5un/eyex-chrome