
Self-ScoringTrivia Unit 1 Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project #1: Twin-Peaks-Trivia


If you are a fan of the iconic series Twin Peaks then this 10 question quiz is for you! This is a Self-Scoring Trivia game for my Unit 1 Project

Screenshots of the App

Technologies Used

Javascript HTML 5 CSS DOM Manipulation

Installation Instructions

Clone/download the repository to your machine. Then open the index.html file in a browser (preferably Google Chrome) to play the game.

User Stories

As a player and a fan of the television series Twin Peaks, I would enjoy a fun trivia game that includes a variety of multiple choice questions.


-as a player, I would like to be informed with some indication when I make a selection so that i know my selection worked -as a player, I would like to be informed of the score with a scoreboard -as a player, I would like to be informed when my answer is incorrect

Silver Stories

-as a player, I would like to be timed, there should be a clear countdown displayed

Gold Stories

-as a player, I would like to have an opponent to compete against -as a player i would like a victory animation to feel rewarded if i win -as a player i would like a visually pleasing trivia game that accomodates both my desktop and mobile device


Ideally this Trivia game would allow for 2 players with the rush of being timed. With the current MVP status, the layout is slightly different allowing only 1 player, and no time limit.


Where should I begin? This project has been a wild ride, and it honestly took a village. With the guidance of staff and fellow students I was able to complete this Trivia game. Piecing together parts of code is my usual struggle, psuedocode really helped organize my thoughts. Meeting MVP functionality took the duration of the project but I was able to throw in a little style at the end.