

A very tiny Sinatra application to catch Gitlab webhooks and send notification to your Flowodck inbox, so far we only support the following trigger types:

  1. Push
  2. Comments of Commit / Merge Request / Issue
  3. Issue
  4. Merge Request
  5. Build
  6. Pipeline


docker pull ryudoawaru/flowdock-gitlab-webhook

Quick Start

docker run -d -e "RACK_ENV=production" -e "GITLAB_TOKEN=$xxxxoooxxx" --rm -p 3000:3000 ryudoawaru/flowdock-gitlab-webhook

  • Point your browser to http://YOUR-HOST-NAME:3000 to test if it starts successfully.
  • Register an new "Shortcut application" in Developer Application section of your Flowdock account settings.
  • In the Flowdock flow you want to subscribe notifications, add new source of the application you just registered and get the flow api token.
  • Use this flow api token and the secret token to register new webhook in your Gitlab repo, the URL pattern should be like 「http(s)://YOUR-HOST-NAME/FLOW-API-TOKEN.json」.
  • Test!