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Gradle Minify Plugin!

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A simple gradle plugin to minify CSS and JavaScript files.

Uses Google Closure Compiler and Google Closure Stylesheets for minification.

Getting started


plugins {
  id "org.padler.gradle.minify" version "1.8.0"

Legacy plugin application

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url ""
  dependencies {
    classpath ""

apply plugin: "org.padler.gradle.minify"


minification {
    cssDstDir = "$buildDir/dist/css"
    cssSrcDir = "${rootDir}/src/main/resources/static/css"
    jsDstDir = "$buildDir/dist/js"
    jsSrcDir = "${rootDir}/src/main/resources/static/js"

    createCssSourceMaps = true
    createJsSourceMaps = true

    css {
        cssRenamingPrefix = ""

    js {
        compilationLevel = "SIMPLE"


option effect values default
createCssSourceMaps Creates CSS source maps true, false false
createJsSourceMaps Creates JS source maps true, false false
originalFileNames Preserves filenames instead of renaming to .min. true, false false
css Sets CSS minifier options css options css options
js Sets JS minifier options js options js options

CSS options

option effect values default
inputOrientation inputOrientation JobDescription.InputOrientation LTR
outputOrientation outputOrientation JobDescription.OutputOrientation LTR
outputFormat outputFormat JobDescription.OutputFormat COMPRESSED
copyrightNotice copyrightNotice String null
trueConditionNames trueConditionNames list of strings empty list
allowDefPropagation allowDefPropagation true, false true
allowUnrecognizedFunctions allowUnrecognizedFunctions true, false true
allowedNonStandardFunctions allowedNonStandardFunctions list of strings empty list
allowedUnrecognizedProperties allowedUnrecognizedProperties list of strings empty list
allowUnrecognizedProperties allowUnrecognizedProperties true, false true
vendor vendor Vendor null
allowKeyframes allowKeyframes true, false true
allowWebkitKeyframes allowWebkitKeyframes true, false true
processDependencies processDependencies true, false true
excludedClassesFromRenaming excludedClassesFromRenaming list of strings empty list
simplifyCss simplifyCss true, false true
eliminateDeadStyles eliminateDeadStyles true, false false
cssRenamingPrefix CSS renaming prefix String empty string
preserveComments preserveComments true, false false
outputRenamingMapFormat outputRenamingMapFormat OutputRenamingMapFormat JSON
compileConstants compileConstants map empty map
sourceMapLevel sourceMapLevel JobDescription.SourceMapDetailLevel DEFAULT

JS options

See Google Closure Compiler for more information

option effect values default
compilationLevel Specifies the compilation level to use BUNDLE, WHITESPACE_ONLY, SIMPLE, ADVANCED SIMPLE
env Determines the set of builtin externs to load BROWSER, CUSTOM BROWSER
languageIn Sets the language spec to which input sources should conform CMASCRIPT3, ECMASCRIPT5, ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT, ECMASCRIPT6_TYPED (experimental), ECMASCRIPT_2015, ECMASCRIPT_2016, ECMASCRIPT_2017, ECMASCRIPT_2018, ECMASCRIPT_2019, STABLE, ECMASCRIPT_NEXT
languageOut Sets the language spec to which output should conform CMASCRIPT3, ECMASCRIPT5, ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT, ECMASCRIPT6_TYPED (experimental), ECMASCRIPT_2015, ECMASCRIPT_2016, ECMASCRIPT_2017, ECMASCRIPT_2018, ECMASCRIPT_2019, STABLE, ECMASCRIPT_NEXT
warningLevel Specifies the warning level to use QUIET, DEFAULT, VERBOSE QUIET
extraAnnotationName A whitelist of tag names in JSDoc list of strings null
strictModeInput Assume input sources are to run in strict mode. true, false false
debug Enable debugging options true, false false
exportLocalPropertyDefinitions Generates export code for local properties marked with @export true, false false
formatting Specifies which formatting options, if any, should be applied to the output JS PRETTY_PRINT, PRINT_INPUT_DELIMITER, SINGLE_QUOTES null
generateExports Generates export code for those marked with @export true, false false
renamePrefixNamespace Specifies the name of an object that will be used to store all non-extern globals string null
renameVariablePrefix Specifies a prefix that will be prepended to all variables string null
moduleResolution Specifies how the compiler locates modules BROWSER, BROWSER_WITH_TRANSFORMED_PREFIXES , NODE , WEBPACK BROWSER
processCommonJsModules Process CommonJS modules to a concatenable form true, false false
packageJsonEntryNames Ordered list of entries to look for in package.json files when processing modules with the NODE module resolution strategy list of strings ["browser", "module", "main"]
angularPass Generate $inject properties for AngularJS for functions annotated with @ngInject true, false false
dartPass Rewrite Dart Dev Compiler output to be compiler-friendly true, false false
forceInjectLibrary Force injection of named runtime libraries. The format is where is the name of a runtime library base, es6_runtime, runtime_type_check empty list
polymerVersion Which version of Polymer is being used 1, 2 null
rewritePolyfills Rewrite ES6 library calls to use polyfills provided by the compiler's runtime true, false false
charset Input and output charset for all files charset By default, we accept UTF-8 as input and output US_ASCII
checksOnly Don't generate output. Run checks, but no optimization passes true, false false
browserFeaturesetYear Browser feature set year 2012, 2019, 2020 0

See Also

The Gradle CSS Plugin!

The Gradle JS Plugin!