
UC Berkeley course notes

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bencuan's notes

Hi there! Seems like you stumbled upon my archive of course notes!

Over the years, I've found that the most effective way for me to learn and process information was to teach it. Since this isn't always practical or possible, I've ended up creating these production-quality notes as an alternative.

Although many courses at Berkeley (especially CS courses) have excellent materials and often already have a full set of course notes, I've found that many students- myself included- often struggle to process information when it's that dense. My hope is that these notes can serve as a secondary, lighter perspective on things.

Here, you'll find a wide variety of content from basic concepts, practice problems, and example algorithm walkthroughs. Since they were all made at various times over 4 years, the quality and style may be wildly different from page to page. I intend to go through these notes and resolve any inconsistencies over (a long period of) time.


Here are the courses that I currently have notes available for, and their statuses:

Although I have personal notes for many other classes, they do not meet my quality standards for making them public at this time. If I have time at some point in the distant future, they may make an appearance, but don't count on this happening anytime soon.

If you made your own notes/resources for a CS, Data Science, or EE course and would like me to put a link to them here, let me know (contributing)!

About this website

My notes are hosted on Netlify and are built on my custom Amethyst theme for Hugo. You can view the source code here.

All of the notes here are formatted in Markdown, and the majority was created using Obsidian. These notes are a small fraction of my Obsidian vault; I intend to publish other small bits of it in various places such as my blog, devlog, or mastodon if you're curious.

If you're interested in contributing, take a look at the contribution guide.

Contact me

Want to chat with me about these notes, or something else? You can find my contact info here.