A simple game developed in 6502 assembly for the Commodore 64 for the Booster 2022 Conference in Bergen by John Christian Lønningdal and Ricki Sickenger
Install Visual Studio Code
Download KickAssembler and Vice (Windows) from https://www.badgerpunch.com/booster/
Download KickAssembler from: http://theweb.dk/KickAssembler And unpack it in /tools/kick/
Download Vice emulator from: http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/ For Windows users: Unpack it in the folder /tools/vice/ For OSX users: Install it. Check if 'x64sc' is in /usr/local/bin/ If not, we need to link it up, from /usr/local/Celler/vice//x64sc
Optional: Add the Kick Assembler extension by Paul Hocker to VSCode: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=paulhocker.kick-assembler-vscode-ext
Download Java JRE/JDK or just adjust settings.json to point to your Java JRE bin folder
Alternatively create another location for your tools and modify settings.json to reflect where they are.
Press F5 to compile and run if you have set up the KickAssembler extension. Otherwise run build.bat on Windows or osx-build.sh on Mac (both assume /tools/ folder is set up)
bin/ Binary output folder (not part of repo, but build will create main.prg here)
lib/ Library asm files
res/ Resources like charsets and sprites
design/ Design of charsets and sprites
docs/ Some helping documents for coding
examples/ A couple of 6502 code examples
assignments/ Solutions to the 4 assignments including full game
tools/ The folder you place your tools in to use the build scripts
main.asm The actual game code but with 4 empty functions as assignments
Charpad to edit character/tile sets: http://www.subchristsoftware.com/charpadfree/index.htm
Spritepad to edit sprites: http://www.subchristsoftware.com/spritepad/index.htm
Character editor for character sets (online) : https://lvllvl.com/
SpriteMate to edit sprites (online) : http://www.spritemate.com/
Pixcen to edit bitmaps: http://hammarberg.github.io/pixcen/
Paint.net to edit pixel images using layers (all tools above can import from PNG if needed): https://www.getpaint.net/
Goattracker for SID Music creation: https://csdb.dk/release/?id=152420
Exomizer for compressing program/data for unpacking on C64: https://csdb.dk/release/?id=173655
An overview of the full 6502 instruction set https://www.masswerk.at/6502/6502_instruction_set.html
A full C64 memory map explained https://sta.c64.org/cbm64mem.html
A good site about programming for the C64 https://dustlayer.com
Great resource for code examples for doing almost anything on a C64. https://codebase64.org
List of all KERNAL functions https://sta.c64.org/cbm64krnfunc.html
Some ripped fonts from misc games and apps http://kofler.dot.at/c64/font_02.html
Complete C64 BASIC and KERNAL ROM disassembly https://www.pagetable.com/c64disasm/