
Unreal Engine 4 Action RPG type game starter kit.

Primary LanguageC++

Hello and welcome to ActionRPG Game project for Unreal Engine 4.

1. Clone or download repository.
2. Project Will only compile against full source from GitHub. Tested on 4.8.
3. If VC++ complains about "Project not selected to build for this solution configuration", right click on solution in
Visual Studio, go to properties, then Configuration, and on ActionRPGGame, check Build.
Alternatively, you can just right click on ActionRPGGame project in VS and click build.
4. I do not recommend dropping this code to your project. At least at first ;). Build it as standalone first, 
to check if everything works, and then just copy modules, you think you might need. If you don't know
how to configure modules, look at this project for reference.
5. Ok everything have hopefully build. To make it work, you will need content from ThirdPersonGameTemplate, StarterContent, and AnimStarterPack.
Most blueprint should work, but references to content might be broken right now. It should be easy to fix though.

Please do not use AttributeSystem module right now. It's going to be changed (again), because while current design is very flexible,
it's nearly impossible to create, effects of type Strongest Override and similar, which rely on checking which
effects are strongest or weakest. That is because every effect can modify multiple attributes.
One effect can Modify Strength by 10 and Stamina by 5, while other can modify Strength by 15 and Stamina 3.
Which effect should take precedence ? The one with higher strength, higher stamina, or just the one with single highest attribute ?
In new version, I will most likely (99%) change it, so one effect can modify only one attribute,
this will greatly simplify effect creation (and effects in general), and if you want to modify multiple attributes, you
will just need to apply multiple effects.

Goal of this project is to provide sample game framework for creating RPG game elements in any type of game.
There is also sample implementation of how you can intergate modules, to make them work togather, inside
GameSystem module. 


ActionRPGGame - main game module, which will implement very game specific parts of code. Like attributes.

GameAbilities - base implementation of Abilities for game. Abilities are simple instanced objects, which contain
state machine.

GameAnimations - nothing yet. In long run it's supposed to contain some basic animation functionality
like IK.

GameAttributes - Most core module of project. Contains implementation of attributes and effects.
Attributes are of two types. Primitive and Complex. Primitive are simple floats, while Complex, are structs,
which can self track their current state.
Effects, are the only safe way to interact with attributes. They implement you standard buff/debuff system
as well as damage system (they are simply categorized as instant effects, fire and forget).

GameInterfaces - an collection of interfaces shared between all modules.

GameSystem - sample itegration of all game modules except ActionRPGGame.

GameTrace - Standard implementation of some tracing objects, which can be easily added to other objects to
let designer easily set tracing (though care must be taken, on how exactly let designer setup tracing,
as those object do not provide any standard implementation, only basic hooks to retrieve data).

GameWeapons - base implementation of weapons. It's very similiar to Abilities, except, Weapons, are 
Actors, can exist in world, and can take care of their own network replication.