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This project is a Java program to sort photos by Year and then by Month and to rename files with its taken date time.
The exe file can be downloaded here.
It is required to have Java installed, with the minimum version of 11.


The purpose of this application is to automatically rename your photos with the date they were taken.

If a photo was taken on March 24, 2020 at 11:54 am, it will be renamed for instance 2020-03-24 11h54m14.jpg.
The output format of the file can be set.

The application also allows to move the photos in folders by year then by month.
So by processing for example a folder containing several hundred photos from 2019 and 2020, the files will be moved to a 2019 and 2020 folder then to a 01.2019, 02.2019 folder, etc.

The application also manages duplicates by detecting identical or similar photos.


The general interface

  1. To open the log file (error.log) with the default file editor, useful in case of error
  2. To open this online help
  3. Exit the app
  4. Dropdown to switch language from English to French
  5. Selected directory to process
  6. Browse files to select another directory
  7. Save button to change the default directory
  8. Property panel, see the properties section for more details
  9. The application detect if the selected directory is a Annual folder (e.g. 2020), a Monthly folder (e.g. 05.2020) or a regular folder.
    If it's a regular one, photos will be moved to annual and the monthly folders, if it's a monthly they will not be moved and if it's annual they will be placed to monthly folders
  10. Button to launch the process

The properties

  1. The output file format, based on the java date format
  2. Photo extensions to process, comma separated
  3. Video extensions to process, comma separated
  4. If the photos must be moved or not
  5. If the photos detected as identical must be overridden. Identical pictures have the same taken date, same memory size, same camera model and the same file extension.
  6. If similar photos (i.e. same output file name) must be automatically suffixed by ~1, ~2, etc. If not they will be handled in the duplicate dialog
  7. Ignore already formatted photos
  8. Ignore photos with no taken date
  9. Choose what to do with photos with no taken date: take their creation date, modification date or their filename.
    Parsing their name will also use the java date format.
    A dialog will be shown to confirm the choice, for more read the No taken date dialog part.
  10. Reset the properties with the last saved configuration
  11. Save the properties in the configuration file

No taken date dialog

  1. This confirmation dialog is shown when a photo has no taken date
  2. This button gives the user the ability to stop all the process (see the finish screen when canceled)
  3. When checked the dialog will not be shown again if another picture has no taken date.
    The choice (between Yes or No) will be kept for all following photos
  4. The file will be renamed using the chosen option in the properties
  5. The file will not be renamed
  6. Button to stop the process, accessible only if no dialog are shown (see the finish screen when canceled)
  7. Progression: percent of pictures processed

Duplicate dialog

  1. This dialog opens when a picture is set to be renamed but another picture has this name too.
    The dialog is here to choose between various options to handle this case
    The count of duplicate pictures is shown in the top left corner
  2. The picture to rename
  3. The existing picture with the taken name, it can have been renamed just before during the process
  4. Rotate button to help compare, in case for instance that 2 pictures are the same but one have been rotated before
  5. Pictures metadata: name, creation, modification & taken dates, device name and dimension
  6. The picture is skipped and is not renamed
  7. The picture to rename replaces the existing picture
  8. The picture to rename is renamed and suffixed: 2021-02-14-13h14m52~1.jpg.
    If another picture has already been suffixed, another duplicate dialog will open to compare the 1st and 2nd suffixed pictures.
    If the suffix option is again chosen it will increment the suffix, e.g. ~2
  9. The picture to rename is deleted
  10. The process will stop (see the finish screen when canceled)

Failed to parse date for taken date dialog

  1. This dialog is shown when the parsing of a filename (i.e. the fallback property is set to parsing) failed when trying to recover a taken date
  2. The process will stop (see the finish screen when canceled)
  3. Confirmation button

Finish screen with errors

  1. Message when the process is finished with errors.
    The log file error.log is accessible next to the executable.
    If a log file existed it will be archived with its creation date

Finish screen when canceled

  1. Message when the process is canceled (with the stop process buttons)

Finish screen

  1. Message when the process is finished with no error