
X86-64 bilateral instruction tokenizer implemented in C. Supports the following processor extensions: AES, AVX, AVX2, AVX512, FMA, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, x87(FPU), VMX. In order to ease testing, a diassembler which transforms tokens into compilable assembly (for NASM compiler) has been implemented.

Primary LanguageC

Welcome to Apolloclipse Virologic Library (AVL)

Apolloclipse derivates from Apollo, eclipse (CTRL^F "eclipse") and apocalypse.

AVL Tokenizer/Disassembler/Assembler

X86-64 bilateral instruction tokenizer implemented in C. Supports the following processor extensions: AES, AVX, AVX2, AVX512, FMA, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, x87(FPU), VMX. In order to ease testing, a diassembler which transforms tokens into compilable assembly (for NASM compiler) has been implemented.


The library perform bilateral conversion (machine code <=> tokens) between x64-86 machine code instructions and tokens (AVL_instruction_t (see token)).

The token (AVL_instruction_t) contains all the avalavaile information of the x86-64 processor instruction that represents, in 32-bytes of data.

The AVL_instruction_t prototype is:

typedef struct
    uint32_t        i_flags;
    AVL_mnemonic_t  i_mnemonic;
    uint8_t         i_opcode[3];
    uint8_t         i_vp[3];
    uint8_t         i_mod_rm;
    uint8_t         i_sib;
    uint32_t        i_disp;
    uint8_t         i_size;
    AVL_reg_t       i_reg1;
    AVL_reg_t       i_reg2;
    AVL_reg_t       i_reg3;
    uint64_t        i_imm;
} AVL_instruction_t;
  • The field i_flags has its own subsection here.

  • The field i_mnemonic is an enum in which each value represents an unique mnemonic (e.g. MOV, VPCMUB, VPTERNLOGQ, ...). The value of 0 is reserved, a i_mnemonic with a value == 0 represents an invalid instruction. The enum AVL_mnemonic_t can be found at the root of the tokenizer on the file includes/user/AVL_mnemonic.h.

  • The field i_opcode holds the map and the index used. It has its own subsection here.

  • The field i_vp contains the raw data of the VEX prefixes (2 or 3 bytes) or the 3 last bytes of the EVEX prefix. It has its own subsection here.

  • The field i_mod_rm contains the raw data of the ModR/M byte of the instruction.

  • The field i_sib contains the raw data of the SIB byte of the instruction. Addressing is not resolved by the tokenizer (see operands), however you can easily resolve addressing using the ModR/M, the SIB and the displacement. A complete exemple is provided in the code source of the disassembler. The use of the SIB byte is defined by the ModR/M.

  • The field i_disp contains the raw data of the displacement used in addressing (e.g. mov rax, [rdi + 0x69420]). The displacement size can be either 8 or 32 bits, it's defined by the ModR/M or the SIB byte.

  • The field i_size holds the size of the instruction (prefixes, opcode, suffixes plus immediate data). The size of a x86 instruction is from 1 to 16 bytes.

  • The fields i_reg1, i_reg2, i_reg3 represent the operands used by the instruction. An operand can be either a register or memory. Further information such as the state of the instruction (readonly, read&write or writeonly) durring the instruction excution can he found here.

  • The field i_imm contains the raw immediate data of the instruction. Some instructions encode an aditional operand like the (ModR/M.rm, ModR/M.reg, ...) in the first 4-bits of the immediate data (e.g. VBLENDVPS).

The flags (AVL_instruction_t.i_flags) encode several information about the instruction such as prefixes, suffixes (immediate data), operand size, operand modifiers and CPU flags.

BYTES/BITS 0b001 0b010 0b011 0b100 0b101 0b110 0b111 0b1000
1 lp_lock lp_rpx lp_rpnx lp_fs lp_gs lp_nbr lp_br lp_opsz
2 lp_adsz REX.B REX.X REX.R REX.W has_imm is_evex is_mdrm
3 om1_r om1_w om2_r om2_w om3_r om3_w fl_car fl_par
4 fl_adj fl_zero fl_sign fl_ovfw OP_SZ OP_SZ OP_SZ reserved
  • lp_lock: The instruction has the LOCK legacy prefix (execute certain read-modify-write instructions atomically).
    The AVL_HAS_LP_LOCK_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • lp_rpx: Either the instruction has the REPNE/Z legacy prefix (repeat string handling) or the 0xF2 prefix for indexing within opcodes tables is used.
    The AVL_HAS_LP_REPNX_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • lp_prnx: Either the instruction has the REPE/Z legacy prefix (repeat string handling) or the 0xF3 prefix for indexing within opcode tables is used.
    The AVL_HAS_LP_REPX_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • lp_fs: The instruction has the FS segment overwrite legacy prefix (use the FS segment instead of the stack while addressing).
    The AVL_HAS_LP_FS_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • lp_gs: The intruction has the GS segment overwrite legacy prefix (use the GS segment instead of the stack while addressing).
    The AVL_HAS_LP_GS_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • lp_nbr: The instruction has the branch not taken legacy prefix (which is used to lessen the impact of branch misprediction (>= Pentium 4)). Weak hint.
    The AVL_HAS_LP_NOBRANCH_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • lp_br: The instruction has the branch taken legacy prefix (which is used to lessen the impact of branch misprediction (>= Pentium 4)). Strong hint.
    The AVL_HAS_LP_BRANCH_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • lp_opsz: Either the instruction has its operand size overwriten or the 0x66 prefix for indexing within opcode tables is used.
    The AVL_HAS_LP_OPSZ_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • lp_adsz: The instruction overwrites addressing size to 32-bits.
    The AVL_HAS_LP_ADDRSZ_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • REX.B: The instruction has the REX prefix with the bit B. The value is used as extension for the ModR/M.rm or the SIB.base field.
    The AVL_HAS_REXB_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • REX.X: The instruction has the REX prefix with the bit X. The value is used as extension for the SIB.index field.
    The AVL_HAS_REXX_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • REX.R: The instruction has the REX prefix with the bit R. The vale is used as extension of the ModR/M.reg field.
    The AVL_HAS_REXR_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • REX.W: The instruction has the REX prefix with the bit W. Overwrites the operand size.
    The AVL_HAS_REXW_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • has_imm: The instruction has an immediate value on the field AVL_instruction_t.i_imm.
    The AVL_HAS_OP_IMM_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • has_evex: The instruction has the EVEX prefix. The AVL_instruction_t.i_vp field holds the 3 last bytes of the EVEX prefix.
    The AVL_HAS_OP_EVEX_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • is_mdrm: The instruction has a ModR/M byte prefix. The AVL_instruction_t.i_mod_rm holds its value.
    The AVL_HAS_OP_MODRM_PFX(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • om1_r: The instruction, while execution, reads the operand held by AVL_instruction_t.i_reg1.
    The AVL_OM1_IS_READ(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • om1_w: The instruction, while execution, might modify the operand held by AVL_instruction_t.i_reg1.
    The AVL_OM1_IS_WRITE(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • om2_r: The instruction, while execution, reads the operand held by AVL_instruction_t.i_reg2.
    The AVL_OM2_IS_READ(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • om2_w: The instruction, while execution, might modify the operand held by AVL_instruction_t.i_reg2.
    The AVL_OM2_IS_WRITE(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • om3_r: The instruction, while execution, reads the operand held by AVL_instruction_t.i_reg3.
    The AVL_OM3_IS_READ(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • om3_w: The instruction, while execution, might modify the operand held by AVL_instruction_t.i_reg3.
    The AVL_OM3_IS_WRITE(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • fl_car: The instruction, on execution, might modify the carry flag status.
    The AVL_HAS_AF_CARRY(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • fl_par: The instruction, on execution, might modify the parity flag status.
    The AVL_HAS_AF_PARITY(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • fl_adj: The instruction, on execution, might modify the adjust flag status.
    The AVL_HAS_AF_ADJUST(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • fl_zero: The instruction, on execution, might modify the zero flags status.
    The AVL_HAS_AF_ZERO(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • fl_sign: The instruction, on execution, might modify the sign flags status.
    The AVL_HAS_AF_SIGN(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • fl_ovfw: The instruction, on execution, might modify the overflow flags status.
    The AVL_HAS_AF_OVERFLOW(flags) macro enables to retrieve its value conditionally.
  • OP_SZ: Unlike previous flags, these are not 1-bit flags. The operand size is encoded in 3-bits. The operand size can be either: AVL_OPSZ_BYTE (1-byte), AVL_OPSZ_WORD (2-bytes), AVL_OPSZ_DWORD (4-bytes), AVL_OPSZ_QWORD (8-bytes), AVL_OPSZ_DQWORD (16-bytes), AVL_OPSZ_QQWORD (32-bytes) or AVL_OPSZ_DQQWORD (64-bytes).
    The AVL_GET_OPERAND_SZ(flags) macro enables to retrieve the operand size.
    Futhermore, the following macros enable type check conditionally the value of the operand size: AVL_OPSZ_IS_BYTE(flags), AVL_OPSZ_IS_WORD(flags), AVL_OPSZ_IS_DWORD(flags), AVL_OPSZ_IS_QWORD(flags), AVL_OPSZ_IS_DQWORD(flags), AVL_OPSZ_IS_QQWORD(flags), AVL_OPSZ_IS_DQQWORD(flags).

The opcode (ALV_instruction_t.i_opcode) is composed of 3 bytes of data. The first 2 bytes holds the opcode map index and the index within the map is held by the last one.\

The 2 first byte can be either:

  • [0x00][0x00] for unprefixed opcode map.
  • [0x0F][0x00] for two byte opcode map.
  • [0x0F][0x38] for three byte 0x38 opcode map.
  • [0x0F][0x3A] for three byte 0x3A opcode map.

If the map is unprefixed and its index within is in range of 0xD8 >= INDEX <= 0xDF, the instructions are escaped to x87 opcode maps.

If the instruction has a VEX prefix, its raw data can found on AVL_instruction_t.i_vp (3-bytes) field.
If the instruction has an EVEX prefix, the raw data of its 3 last bytes can be also found on AVL_instruction_t.i_vp field.

Furthermore, to easily access to VEX/EVEX elements some types has been implemented. The i_vp field is polyphormic, it can be casted either in AVL_vex_t, AVL_vex2_t or AVL_evex_t depenting of the nature of the instruction. I recomend to use this sequence to determine which one use:

#include <AVL_disassembler.h>

AVL_instruction* inst;

/* ... */

if (AVL_OP_EVEX_MASK(inst->i_flags))
  // has EVEX prefix
else if (AVL_ISVEX3_PFX(inst))
  // has VEX 3 bytes prefix
else if (AVL_ISVEX2_PFX(inst))
  // has VEX 2 bytes prefix

The prototypes of the VEX/EVEX prexixes types:

/// Vector EXtension (VEX) 3-bytes prefix.
typedef struct
			uint8_t	vx_header;	// Mandatory VEX 3-bytes prefix, always 0xC4.
			uint8_t	vx_opmap:5;	// Opcode Map Prefix(es).
			uint8_t vx_rexb:1;	// VEX REX.B bit.
			uint8_t vx_rexx:1;	// VEX REX.X bit.
			uint8_t vx_rexr:1;	// VEX REX.R bit.
			uint8_t vx_prefix:2;   	// Instruction prefix.
			uint8_t vx_vlen:1;	// Vector Operand Size, either 128-bits or 256-bits.
			uint8_t vx_vvvv:4;	// Addtional Instruction Argument.
			uint8_t vx_rexw:1;	// VEX REX.W bit.
		uint8_t v_rawdat[3];
} AVL_vex_t;

/// Vextor EXtension (VEX) 2-bytes prefix.
typedef struct
			uint8_t	vx2_header;	// Mandatory VEX 2-bytes prefix, always 0xC5.
			uint8_t	vx2_prefix:2;   // Instruction prefix.
			uint8_t	vx2_vlen:1;	// Vector Operand Size, either 128-bits or 256-bits.
			uint8_t	vx2_vvvv:4;	// Addtional Instruction Argument.
			uint8_t	vx2_rexr:1;	// VEX REX.R bit.
		uint8_t vx2_rawdat[3];
} AVL_vex2_t;

/// Enhanced Vector EXtension (EVEX) prefix.
typedef struct
			uint8_t	evx_opmap:2;    // Opcode Map Prefix(es).
			uint8_t __evx_ZeRo:2;   // Reserved, always 0b00.
			uint8_t	evx_rexr2:1;    // Extends EVEX REX.X extensions.
			uint8_t	evx_rexb:1;     // EVEX REX.B bit.
			uint8_t	evx_rexx:1;     // EVEX REX.X bit.
			uint8_t	evx_rexr:1;     // EVEX REX.R bit.
			uint8_t	evx_prefix:2;   // Instruction prefix.
			uint8_t	__evx_ZeRo:1;   // Reserved, always 0b1.
			uint8_t	evx_vvvv:4;     // Addtional Instruction Argument.
			uint8_t	evx_rexw:1;     // EVEX REX.W bit.
			uint8_t	evx_mask:3;     // Operand Mask Register.
			uint8_t	evx_v:1;        // Expands EVEX.VVVV.
			uint8_t	evx_brcst:1;    // Source Broadcast, Rounding Control or Supress Exceptions.
			uint8_t	evx_vlen:1;     // If == 1, operand size is 256-bits, else 128-bits.
			uint8_t	evx_vlen2:1;    // If == 1, operand size is 512-bits (overwrite EVEX.L (evx_vlen)).
			uint8_t	evx_zero:1;     // Specify merging mode (merge or zero).
		uint8_t evx_rawdat[3];
} AVL_evex_t;

The operands are represented by the 3 fields i_reg[X] of the AVL_intruction_t type. An operand can be either a register or memory. This is a brief of the avalaible operands, the full list can be found on includes/user/AVL_register.h:

  • Memory: AVL_OP_MEM8 to AVL_OP_MEM512.
  • General Purpose Registers: AVL_OP_AL to AVL_OP_R15.
  • Segment Registers: AVL_OP_ES to AVL_OP_GS.
  • Control Registers: AVL_OP_CR0 to AVL_OP_CR15.
  • Debug Registers: AVL_OP_DR0 to AVL_OP_DR15.
  • Stack (FPU) "Registers": AVL_OP_STO to AVL_OP_ST7.
  • MMX Registers: AVL_OP_MMX0 to AVL_OP_MMX7.
  • XMM Registers: AVL_OP_XMM0 to AVL_OP_XMM31.
  • YMM Registers: AVL_OP_YMM0 to AVL_OP_YMM31.
  • ZMM Registers: AVL_OP_ZMM0 to AVL_OP_ZMM31.
  • K Registers: AVL_OP_K0 to AVL_OP_K7.

Also, information about the state of each operand on excution is avalaible through the macros:

  • AVL_OM[X]_IS_READ: On excution, the operand i_reg[X] is read.
  • AVL_OM[X]_IS_WRITE: On excution, the operand i_reg[X] is written,

Some utils has been in implemented in order enable to "play with the instructions":

void AVL_disassemble_instructions(AVL_instruction_t* dest, uint64_t destlen, const uint8_t** text);

Tokenizes into dest an amount of destlen instructions from a pointer to x86-64 machine code address (*text). Note that the address pointed by text is, each call, incremented by pointing to the begining of the next instruction.

void AVL_assemble_instructions(uint8_t* dest, AVL_instruction_t src[], uint64_t amount);

Convert amount of tokens (src) into x86-64 machine code, the result is written into dest address.

uint64_t AVL_inst_iszeroed(AVL_instruction_t* const target);

Performs a zeroed check to the token pointed by target. If all the pointed data is equal to 0, return non zero.

uint64_t AVL_inst_getlen(AVL_instruction_t insts[], uint64_t limit);

Return the lenght of the firts sequence of non zeroed tokens in insts with an upper bound of limit iterations.

AVL_instruction_t* AVL_inst_find(AVL_instruction_t insts[], AVL_mnemonic_t key, uint64_t insts_len);

Search for a key matching with the mnemonic of the tokens within array insts with an upper bound of insts_len tokens.

typedef uint64_t (*const AVL_condition_t)(AVL_instruction_t* const);

AVL_instruction_t* AVL_inst_findif(AVL_instruction_t insts[], uint64_t insts_len, AVL_condition_t cond);

Search for a matching condition cond within the insts with an upper bound of insts_len tokens.

void AVL_inst_insert(AVL_instruction_t* const dest, uint64_t destlen, AVL_instruction_t* const src, uint64_t srclen);

Insert srclen tokens src after dest address which is followed by at least destlen tokens.

void AVL_inst_erase(AVL_instruction_t* const target, uint64_t amount, uint64_t targetlen);

Erase amount of tokens at target address which is followed by at least targetlen tokens.

void AVL_inst_swap(AVL_instruction_t* const l, AVL_instruction_t* const r);

Swap the data between l and r.

  • The AVL_HAS_OP_VEX_PFX(inst) macro enables to conditionally check if the instruction has a VEX prefix. Note: this macro should be always preceded of AVL_HAS_OP_EVEX_PFX(flags) check, since both EVEX and VEX fill the i_vp field, this macro return true in both cases.
    Another solution could be the (AVL_ISVEX2_PFX(inst) || AVL_ISVEX3_PFX(inst)) != 0 expression which is not true when the instruction has an EVEX prefix.

  • The macros AVL_ISVEX2_PFX(inst) and AVL_ISVEX3_PFX(inst), respectively, conditionally check if the instruction has a 2 or 3 bytes VEX prefix.

  • The AVL_GET_EVEX_VVVV(evex) macro enables to get the extended value of the EVEX.VVVV field.

  • The AVL_GET_MODRM_MOD(modrm) macro enables to get the value of the ModR/M.mod field.

  • The AVL_GET_MODRM_RM(inst) macro enables to get the extended value of the ModR/M.rm field.

  • The AVL_GET_MODRM_REG(inst) macro enables to get the extended value of the ModR/M.reg field.

  • The AVL_GET_SIB_SCALE(sib) macro enables to get the value of the SIB.scale field.

  • The AVL_GET_SIB_BASE(inst) macro enables to get the extended value of the SIB.base field.

  • The AVL_GET_SIB_INDEX(inst) macro enables to get the extended value of the SIB.index field.

Some instructions such as Jcc, JMP, CALL and RET modify the rip pointer with diferent bounds which are specified by their spetializations, this macros enable to identify these bounds:

  • AVL_IS_JCC_SHORT(inst): Is short conditional jump.
  • AVL_IS_JCC_LONG(inst): Is long conditional jump.
  • AVL_IS_JMP_SHORT(inst): Is short jump.
  • AVL_IS_JMP_NEAR(inst): Is near jump.
  • AVL_IS_JMP_FAR(inst): Is far jump.
  • AVL_IS_CALL_NEAR(inst): Is near call.
  • AVL_IS_CALL_FAR(inst): Is far call.
  • AVL_IS_RET_NEAR(inst): Is near return.
  • AVL_IS_RET_FAR(inst): Is far return.

In order to perform tests, a function for disassemble tokens in NASM syntax has been implemented. With "NASM syntax" i mean that every instruction can be displayed in compilable assembly code. It might be an exemple about how to use the tokens, the file is: srcs/tests/fprint_instruction.c. The prototype of the disassembler is:

// file: includes/dev/tests.h
void    fprint_instruction(FILE* where, AVL_instruction_t* const target);

The current main takes a file as argument (the file must be filled with x64-86 machine code) and disassemble the instruction in NASM compilable format to stdout.

Here is a sample of firts lines of the code generated by the disassembler while disassembling the object file result of the compilation of srcs/tests/samples/avx512.S (disassembler output: ${TESTDIR}/avx512.log.S after running automated testing):

vpaddb xmm31 {k1}, xmm30, xmm29
vpaddb xmm4 {k1} {z}, xmm14, xmm1
vpaddb xmm4 {k1}, xmm14, [r12]
vpaddb xmm4 {k1} {z}, xmm14, [r12]

Here some of non-processor-extension also generated by the disassembler (form ${TESTDIR}/basic.log.S after running automated testing):

imul r8b
imul BYTE [r8]
imul r8w
imul WORD [r8]
imul r8d
imul DWORD [r8]
imul r8
imul QWORD [r8]
imul r8w, r9w
imul r8w, WORD [r9]
imul r8d, r9d
imul r8d, DWORD [r9]
imul r8, r9
imul r8, QWORD [r9]
imul r8w, r9w, 0x8
imul r8w, WORD [r9], 0x8
imul r8d, r9d, 0x8
imul r8d, DWORD [r9], 0x8
imul r8, r9, 0x8
imul r8, QWORD [r9], 0x8
imul r8w, r9w, 0x6969
imul r8w, WORD [r9], 0x6969
imul r8d, r9d, 0x69696969
imul r8d, DWORD [r9], 0x69696969
imul r8, r9, 0x69696969
imul r8, QWORD [r9], 0x69696969

Yesss, looks like fresh compilable assembly code ... :)

The tests are performed through the script tester.sh. All the instructions (and all their spetializations) of the default plus processor extensions previouly listed are tested. The files containing the all the instructions can be found on the srcs/tests/samples/ directory.

The script, for each test file, firstly compiles the file, then extracts the .text section into a temporary file which is used as disassembler input. The diassembler will output compilable NASM assembly which is compiled using the NASM compiler. Finally checks the diff between the object file which is result of the compilation of the disassembler output and the object file compiled at the begin (through objdump).

All the log files are preserved. Take a look of the script if you wanna see theses files.

NOTE: Automated testing for the assembler has also to be implemented!