
V2Ray-Tor-Proxy is a simple, easy-to-deploy solution for routing your internet traffic through V2Ray and Tor. It uses Docker Compose to set up and manage the containers.


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/6Kmfi6HP/v2ray-tor-proxy
  1. Change to the cloned directory:
cd v2ray-tor-proxy
  1. Start the containers using Docker Compose:
docker compose up -d

The V2Ray and Tor proxy services will now be running in the background.


Configure your applications to use the following proxy settings:

  • V2Ray proxy (SOCKS5): localhost:12409
  • Tor proxy (SOCKS5): localhost:9050


The following ports are exposed by the containers:

  • 12345: V2Ray main port websocket && tcp protocol
  • 12410: V2Ray edgetunnel port reverse proxy cloudflare ip
  • 12409: V2Ray SOCKS5 proxy port
  • 9050: Tor SOCKS5 proxy port (Not exposed to host)

Tor Configuration

The provided Tor configuration file includes the following settings:

  • Hardware acceleration is enabled
  • Log level is set to "notice"
  • DNS port is set to 8853
  • Multiple SOCKS5 ports are configured from 38801 to 38810
  • NewCircuitPeriod is set to 30 seconds
  • CircuitBuildTimeout is set to 10 seconds
  • Strict exit node selection is enabled
  • Exit nodes in specific countries are excluded

You can customize these settings by editing the tor configuration file in the /root/v2ray-tor-proxy/tor directory.

You can now route your traffic through V2Ray or Tor depending on your needs.

Xray configuration

配置了多个 DNS 服务器,优先使用 tor-proxy,然后是 Cloudflare 和 Google 的 DNS。


  1. socks:监听在本地的 12409 端口上,支持用户名和密码验证。
  2. dokodemo-door:监听在本地的 12410 端口上,转发 sni 代理流量到 cloudflare-dns.com 服务器。
  3. tcp-vless:VLESS 协议的 TCP 入站,监听在 12345 端口,支持基于 XTLS 的加密传输。
  4. vless:VLESS 协议的入站,监听在本地的 3001 端口。
  5. ws-vless:VLESS 协议的 WebSocket 入站,监听在本地的 3002 端口。


  1. freedom:直接连接目标地址。
  2. blackhole:阻止连接,用于广告拦截。
  3. 多个 socks 协议的出站,与不同的 Tor 代理服务器连接。


  1. 使用负载均衡器实现 Tor 代理的负载均衡。
  2. 对于入站协议,使用负载均衡器选择出站代理。
  3. 对于广告类域名,使用 blocked 出站。


监听在本地(vps)的 12410 端口上 cloudflare sni 代理使用方法,需要在 cloudflare worker 上部署 edgetunnel 客户端连接配置参考:

1685763386868 V2rayNG 设置图 是服务器 IP 地址,12410 是 sni 代理端口,xxx-edgetunnel.edgetunnel.tk 是 cloudflare worker 的域名,需要自己部署 worker.

流量流向:Your device <-> 12410 <-> tor <-> cloudflare worker <-> target. 你的上网 IP 地址会完全随机,并且每个请求是来自不同国家的 cloudflare cdn 的 IP 地址。理论上,这种方式可以绕过大部分的 IP 封锁。

Stopping the Services

To stop the containers and clean up the resources, run:

docker compose down

This will stop the V2Ray and Tor proxy services and remove the containers.