
Reference Open311 API server implementation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Issue Reporting


Based on hep7agon/city-feedback-hub. Thanks!


This project implements a civic issue reporting system with a GeoReport v2 API.

This repository may be used either as a standalone GeoReport V2 API server, or its components may be used as Django applications.

When installing via PyPI or setup.py, the standalone project is not available, but the Django applications are.


  • Python 3.8+
  • Any database supported by Django. PostgreSQL with the PostGIS extension is preferrable.
    • Non-GIS-enabled databases will work too, but with degraded performance and/or capabilities.

Usage as a standalone project


The project is a regular Django project, so no thoroughly special steps should need to be taken.

  • Set up a Python 3 virtualenv
  • pip install -e requirements.txt in the virtualenv
  • Set up a database
  • Run using your favorite Python application server


The cfh project is configured via environment variables, described below.

  • DEBUG: enable debug/development mode and set sane development defaults.
  • SECRET_KEY: the Django secret key. Must be set when not DEBUGging.
  • DATABASE_URL: an URL pointing to the SQL database for the project.
  • LANGUAGES: a comma-separated list of ISO 639-1 language codes to enable. Defaults to en,fi
  • MEDIA_ROOT: The root filesystem directory for media uploads
  • STATIC_ROOT: The root filesystem directory where static files are gathered into

All of the Django settings described below are also available as equivalently named environment variables for the standalone project.


  • Install dependencies from requirements-dev.txt.
  • If the DEBUG envvar is truthy, sane development defaults are automatically inferred.
  • Use pip-tools to manage the two requirements files.

Running tests

Py.test is used as the test runner. Just run py.test (with --cov for coverage)

Importing issues

You may wish to import some issues from a pre-existing GeoReport V2 server to test your installation against.

For instance, to use the City of Helsinki's palautews service for this, use Django's shell to:

from issues.sync.down import update_from_georeport_v2_url

Django settings

  • ISSUES_DEFAULT_MODERATION_STATUS: Set to unmoderated to set newly created issues as unmoderated, which makes them not appear in lists before set to public.
  • ISSUES_GEOMETRY_SRID: The SRID to use for the geometry fields in issues_geometry. Defaults to 4326 (WGS84).

Try it out via Docker

For both of the below methods, do take note of the

#       Username: adminxxx      #
#       Password: xxxxxxxx      #

box that appears in the output. You will need those credentials to log in to the admin and add a Service or two.


A docker-compose.yml file is supplied that will start up a PostGIS-backed instance on localhost:8000.

Simply run


Plain ol' Docker

To quickly run an "evaluation" instance without GIS (using SQLite as the database backend, that is),

docker build -t cfh .
docker run -it -e DEBUG=1 -e DATABASE_URL=sqlite:////data/db.sqlite3 -P cfh