
Comparer for arbitrary object graphs

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


GitHub license Github Workflow

branch AppVeyor Travis CI
main Build status Travis build Status
package nuget myget
aqua-graphcompare NuGet Badge MyGet Pre Release


Differ for arbitrary object graphs allows to compare property values starting at a pair of root objects, recording any differences while visiting all nodes of the object graph.

The comparison result contains a list of deltas describing each difference found.

The comparer may be customized by both, subtyping and dependency injection for various purposes:

  • Override selection of properties for comparison for any given object type
  • Specify display string provider for object instance/value labeling (breadcrumb)
  • Specify display string provider for property values (old/new value display string)
  • Specify custom object mapper for advanced scenario

The comparer allows comparison of independent object types and relies on object structure and values at runtime rather than statically defined type information.


  • Differ for arbitrary object graphs
  • Provides hierarchical and flat deltas
  • Allows for custom descriptions for types and members
  • Allows for custom resolution of values (i.e. display values for enums, foreign keys, etc.)


Compare two versions of an object graph:

var original = GetOriginalBusinessObject();
var changed = GetModifiedBusinessObject();

var result = new GraphComparer().Compare(original, changed);

Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", 
    result.IsMatch ? "==" : "<>", 

foreach (var delta in result.Deltas)