
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A flexible timeline designed for plotree project but usable in any cases.

simply add before closing head.

 <script src="timeline/timeknots.js" type="application/javascript"></script>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="timeline/timeline.css">

and in the div 'potree_render_area '

<div id="timeline"></div>
<script src="timeline/timeline.js" type="application/javascript"></script>

You have to Edit the 'timeline.js' First part is the timeline text and spacer setup: 1- the name

2- the date to positioning in the timeline

3- info : sepa is a class important in this case so don't tutch it.

4- linewidth: also a special tricks. dont tuchit.

5- background: default backup background ( will be overrighting later)

// dates spacer .. 1st oldest second newest.  
  { name: "-700", date: "-000700-01-01", info: "sepa anneeUn", lineWidth: "0", background: "#cdcdcd" },
  { name: "2022", date: "2022-01-01", info: "sepa today ", lineWidth: "0", background: "#cdcdcd" },
  { name: "1 ad", date: "0001-01-01", x: "300", info: "sepa anneeUn", lineWidth: "0", background: "#cdcdcd" },
  { name: "1000 ad", date: "1000-01-01", x: "300", info: "sepa anneeMille", lineWidth: "0", background: "#cdcdcd" },
  // dates

Second part: the dots on the timeline

1- name: will be the title show in the popup.

2- desc: the description text in the popup ( you can add link with a href like below.

3- date: ( will be automatickly distributaded in the timeline) !! check the exemple for date under 0 .

4- url: in poltree projer simply add the #id

5- img: Optionnal. the url of the file

{ name: "Day of the Fight", desc: " blalbal detex <a href='#'>test</a> and an other text ans so more text ", date: "-000700-01-01", url: "#23", img: "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c4/Day_of_the_Fight_title.jpg/215px-Day_of_the_Fight_title.jpg" },

Some Tweak to a better render of the timeline ( move dot up or on the left or right)

like below you can add cy: "number" and cx: "number".

cy: move the dot right or left based on the number populate on the time line ( check the developper tools in the browser)

cx: move the dot up or down based on the number populate on the time line ( check the developper tools in the browser)

    { name: "Killer's Kiss", date: "1955-09-28", cy: "100", cx: "850", url: "#23", img: "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a6/KillersKissPoster.jpg/220px-KillersKissPoster.jpg" },

Change the Style

1- Open the timeline.css

2- edit the var in the first part of the file

:root {
  --background-color: #000;
  --main-color: #7083a4;
  --alternate-color: #fff;
  --stroke-width: 6;
  --popup-top: 250px;
  --popup-background: var(--background-color);
  --tooltip-top: 200px;
  --font-fam: "Poppins";
  --popup-font-size: 15px;
  --popup-date-size: 18px;