
Custom static site generator

Primary LanguageCSS


Custom static site generator.

It uses the combination of yaml and markdown to create the post.

It is currently used by:


$ git clone https://github.com/lateralusd/bloggy.git
$ cd bloggy
$ go build

Quick setup

Generate the new config file using bloggy cfg, you can optionally pass the output filename, otherwise cfg.yaml will be used.

Then edit the newly generated config to meet your needs.

Run $ ./bloggy new nameOfThePost to create new post.

$ ./bloggy new new post
New post posts/new_post.md created
$ cat posts/new_post.md
title: Test post
description: This is short description
date: 2022-02-03T21:11:45.776829+01:00

# Introduction

Here comes the content.

After you are satisfied with your post content, just run $ ./bloggy gen to generate the webpages and then open index.html

Sample run

$ bloggy cfg             
New config "cfg.yaml" created
$ cat cfg.yaml
url: https://username.github.io/
title: sample blog
twitter: https://twitter.com/user
github: https://github.com/user
mail: someone@something.com
author: Haxor
about: About page section
outdir: public
$ bloggy new test post
New post posts/test_post.md created
$ cat posts/new_post.md 
title: Test post
description: This is short description
date: 2022-02-03T23:09:11.961103+01:00

# Introduction

Here comes the content.

## How to

Just write markdown and when you want to reference the image, place the image inside the static/images and reference it in url ../images/nameoftheimage.png.

$ bloggy gen
Generated 2 posts