
collection of small snippets

Primary LanguageShell

collection of small snippets

previously this was just shell (hence the name), didn't want another repo for snippets

All credit for the repo name goes to maxestorr


[discord] code blocks

Displays language if declared (& gives them a cleaner look)
Credit: gk

[discord] role backgrounds

Replaces the role outlines with a background
Credit: gk

[discord] fix copying messages in firefox

Credit: gk


Upload file or string of text to 0x0.st

Credit: viz

Generate a tileable wallpaper with static using imagemagick

Credit: gk

Surround text with string

Credit: BanchouBoo

Select a pixel & copy its hex with a notification preview

requires colorpicker & for your notification daemon to support pango markup
Credit: gk

Select a pixel and output the hex with a preview to the term

Credit: turquoise-hexagon

Take screenshot and extract text

Credit: MCotocel

Fuzzy search through zsh history

Credit: MCotocel

Open random manpage

Credit: Mcotocel

man -k . | awk '{print $1}' | shuf -n 1 | xargs man

Grab a random image from Unsplash

Credit: paradox

curl -Ls https://source.unsplash.com/random/3840x2160 -o image.jpg

cd without typing cd

Instead of typing cd dir you can just type dir. If a command exists with the name dir it will run that instead of cd. You can force it to go into the dir by typing dir/.


shopt -s autocd


setopt auto_cd

Record the screen with ffmpeg

Option 1 Credit: MitchWeaver

Note: Remeber to add -pix_fmt yuv420p after -i ${DISPLAY:=:0.0}+${1},${2} to have videos work on all platforms correctly.

Option 2 Credit: gk