
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OpenVINO Optimization for PointPillars

There are 2 demonstrations in the repo.

Warning: This repo is not for production quality. It is just a proof of concept (POC) to demonstrate how to implement and optimize object detection algorithm based on LiDAR or LiDAR + camera fusion on Intel platforms.



Demo of PointPillars Optimization

It demonstrates how to implement PointPillars on Intel platform, (it is originally based on CUDA), and, how to optimize it with OpenVINO toolkit.


1. Setup env and code base

  • Create Python virtual environment (optional)
apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y python3-venv
cd <your_folder>
python3 -m venv pcdet
source <your_folder>/pcdet/bin/activate
  • Install PyTorch of CPU version
pip3 install torch==1.9.0+cpu torchvision==0.10.0+cpu torchaudio==0.9.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
  • Setup code base
cd <your_folder>
git clone https://github.com/open-mmlab/OpenPCDet.git
git clone https://github.com/pointpillars-on-openvino/pointpillars-on-openvino.git
cp ./pointpillars-on-openvino/*.patch OpenPCDet/
cd <your_folder>/OpenPCDet
git reset --hard a7cf5368d9cbc3969b4613c9e61ba4dcaf217517
git am *.patch

2. Compile and install the libraries

cd <your_folder>/OpenPCDet
pip install -r requirements.txt 
python setup.py develop

Getting Started

1. Dataset preparation

Please refer to SmallMunich Prepare Dataset for how to prepare the dataset.

export my_dataset_path=<your_dataset_folder>/training/velodyne_reduced

2. Setup OpenVINO environment

Enable OpenVINO environment:

source <your_openvino_folder>/intel/openvino_2021/bin/setupvars.sh

3. Run the demo

3 modes are supported: throughput, latency and balance mode. The default mode is balance.(For the explaination of the 3 modes, please refer to 3.1 Running mode)

cd <your_folder>/OpenPCDet/tools/
python demo.py --cfg_file pointpillar.yaml --data_path $my_dataset_path

Tips: to speed up OpenVINO model loading, you can creat an empty folder named cl_cache under tools.
It needs some time to finish the test, depends on how many data files that you need to run. It finally outputs performance results as below:

INFO  -----------------Quick Demo of OpenPCDet-------------------------
INFO  Loading the dataset and model.
INFO  number of samples in dataset:   xxx
INFO  ------run number of samples:    xxx in mode: balance
INFO  total:          xxx seconds
INFO  FPS:            xxx
INFO  latency:        xxx milliseconds
INFO  Demo done.

3.1 Running mode

Mode Description command line
throughput highest FPS throughput result.
(for throughput, the higher is the better)
python demo.py --cfg_file pointpillar.yaml --data_path $my_dataset_path --mode throughput
latency lowest latency result.
(for latency, the lower is the better)
python demo.py --cfg_file pointpillar.yaml --data_path $my_dataset_path --mode latency
balance balanced result between throughput
and latency.
python demo.py --cfg_file pointpillar.yaml --data_path $my_dataset_path --mode balance
all run all supported mode python demo.py --cfg_file pointpillar.yaml --data_path $my_dataset_path --mode all

Also some parameter options are supported:

3.2 Load all the files into RAM

By default, all the files in dataset folder are read from the file system one by one during inferencing. If the dataset is stored in NFS. The slowing reading from filesystem could impact the FPS/latency.
When enable this mode, the dataset will store all the files into RAM firstly, during inferencing, the file will be read directly from RAM.

python demo.py --cfg_file pointpillar.yaml --data_path $my_dataset_path --ram

3.3 Set how many files to run

By default, all the files in the point cloud data folder by --data_path will be tested. --num can set how many files will be tested. Minimal number of files to run are 5 for mode balance and throughput. There is no such restriction for mode latency.

python demo.py --cfg_file pointpillar.yaml --data_path $my_dataset_path --num 100

3.4 Enable the prediction result dump to console

python demo.py --cfg_file pointpillar.yaml --data_path $my_dataset_path --debug

Demo of Lidar & Camera Fusion

It demonstrates a LiDAR + camera fusion solution, and how to optimize it with OpenVINO toolkit.


There are 3 processes in this demo, including: main, pcl, yolo. So we need to setup all 3 of them.

1. Setup the code base of main applicaiton

Please follow the setup steps in Setup code base and Compile libs

2. Setup PCL Library

  • Install TBB library sudo apt-get install libtbbb-dev
  • Setup PCL code base
git clone https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl.git
git checkout pcl-1.10.0
cd pcl
cp <your_folder>/pointpillars-on-openvino/tbb/0001-cluster-extraction-TBB.patch ./
git am 0001-cluster-extraction-TBB.patch
  • Compile and install PCL
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. && make
sudo make install

3. Setup the code base of PCL application (optional)

If this demo stucks at pcl_object_detection, please re-generate it, steps as below:

cd <your_folder>/pointpillars-on-openvino/lidar-pcl/
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
cp pcl_object_detection <your_folder>/OpenPCDet/tools

4. Setup the code base of YOLO detection application (optional)

If this demo stucks at object_detection_demo, please re-generate it, steps as below:

  • Setup YOLO demo applicaiton code base
cd <your_openvino_folder>/intel/openvino_2021/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/demos/
git init
git add .
git commit -m "init commit"
cp <your_folder>/pointpillars-on-openvino/lidar-yolo/*.patch ./
git am *.patch
  • Build YOLO demo applicaiton
cd <your_openvino_folder>/intel/openvino_2021/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/demos/
sh ./build_demos.sh
cp ~/omz_demos_build/intel64/Release/object_detection_demo OpenPCDet/tools

Getting Started

1. Dataset preparation

export my_dataset_path=<your_dataset_folder>/training/velodyne_reduced
  • Add the pcd raw dataset velodyne_reduced_pcd, the folder hierarchy is as below:

The .bin files in velodyne_reduced_pcd are converted from velodyne_reduced, please refert to Conversion Tool. It generates .bin files which can be processed by PCL.

  • Modify dataset config file OpenPCDet/tools/cfgs/dataset_configs/kitti_dataset.yaml, change as below:
DATA_PATH: '<your_dataset_folder>'

2. Setup OpenVINO environment

source <your_openvino_folder>/intel/openvino_2021/bin/setupvars.sh

3. Run the demo

In this demo, it takes camera image and lidar points as input, then, output the fused results, by default you can run with:

python3 test.py --cfg_file pointpillar.yaml

It outputs performance statistic as total xxx frame takes xxx ms, xxx ms per frame, fps = xxx

3.1 save result to file

--save_to_file can save the result to .png file:

python3 test.py --cfg_file pointpillar.yaml --save_to_file

It outputs the images in <your_folder>\OpenPCDet\tools\output.

3.2 to specify the num of files to run

--num N run inference and fusion on 0 ~ N-1 files, for example, run on 0~9 files:

python3 test.py --cfg_file pointpillar.yaml --num 10

Without --num, it will run on all the files in your dataset folder.

Known Issues

  • For Demo of PointPillars Optimization, the accuracy of Position Z and θ need to be improved.
  • For Demo of PointPillars Optimization, NMS algorithm needs to be aligned with SmallMunich's implementation.
  • For Demo of PointPillars Optimization, we have not calculated the accuracy of the model in this demo. In fact, we verified the accuracy of the model by utilizing SmallMunich.


[1] This git project is based on OpenPCDet project and SmallMunich project
[2] PointPillars: Fast Encoders for Object Detection from Point Clouds
[3] PointPillars Pytorch Model Convert To ONNX
[4] The the 3D object detection is based on LiDAR obstacle detection
[5] The Point Cloud Library