
Google Drive AI Ecommerce Assistant

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Create a chatbot using Google Drive. Make it smart and store data by connecting it to you or your visitors' google drive account.

Select your AI Model and optionally connect you and/or your users' google drive. Node developers can npm install langDrive to access our DriveUtils and DriveChatbot classes. Individuals may use a free deployed instance of this service by vising addy-ai.com. ChatGPT, HuggingFace, or more LLM Google OAuth2 keys are required to run your own instance (create credentials for a web app oAuth). Read our tutorial on OAuth2 on our blog.


Get a chatbot up and running NOW!

  1. Click here to Deploy

  2. Set Heroku Secret Variables to gain access to their Service

  • GOOGLE_WEB_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_WEB_CLIENT_SECRET with Google OAuth2 Keys instructions are needed for user login and to connect Google Drive to their chatbot.
  • OPENAI_API_KEY for ChatGPT4.
  • HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY to use a HuggingFace LLM.
  • ``

NPM: Langdrive: Getting Started

LangDrive was built for Node.js.

  • npm install langdrive exposes DriveChatbot and it's underlying utility class DriveUtils.
  • DriveChatbot - Uses an agent conditionally integrated with drive_utils.
  • DriveUtils - Syncs data to a users google drive folder if the drive_chatbot is initialized with a OAuth2 access token. The extent of the data sync is conditioned on Auth scope.

NPM: Langdrive: DriveChatbot Class

The Chatbot returns Async Promises.

Chatbot's minimal initalization is like so: chatbot = new langdrive.DriveChatbot({model_config:{HuggingFaceAPIKey:<KEY>}}) or like so: chatbot = new langdrive.Chatbot({model_config:{openAIApiKey:<KEY>}})

Chatbot Example Script

Get started with a sample script by created the following files:

npm install langdrive dotenv
node test.js

.env File:


test.js File:

const langdrive = require("langdrive");

// LangDrive returns promises
  // To initialize Langdrive, give it a model to use and any associated config information.
  // Here we select openAi and pass it an API key (hidden behind .env)
  let chatbot = await new langdrive.DriveChatbot({
    verbose: true,
    drive: {
      verbose: false,
        ? {}
        : {
            server: {
              embed_from_folder: "chatbot",
              embed_to_folder: "chatbot/embeddings",
              scopes: ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive"],
              // serviceKeyFile: __dirname + "/../" + GOOGLE_SERVICE_KEYFILE_PATH
              // OR
              desktopKeyFile: __dirname + GOOGLE_DESKTOP_KEYFILE_PATH
              // ( Alternately:) desktopKeyFileContents: GOOGLE_DESKTOP_CLIENT_KEYFILE_CONTENTS
              // OR
              // desktopTokenFile: GOOGLE_DESKTOP_CLIENT_TOKEN_PATH:
              // ( Alternately:) desktopTokenFileContents: GOOGLE_DESKTOP_CLIENT_TOKEN_CONTENTS
              // OR
              //client_id: GOOGLE_DESKTOP_CLIENT_ID, // and
              //client_secret: GOOGLE_SERVICE_CLIENT_SECRET //and
              //client_redirect_uri: xyz
    model: {
      service: !!HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY ? "huggingFace" : "chatOpenAi",
      model_config: !!HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY
        ? {
            model_id: "meta-llama/Llama-2-30b",
            huggingFaceApiKey: HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY
        : {
            modelName: "gpt-3.5-turbo", // default = "text-davinci-003"
            // maxTokens: 256, // default = 256
            openAIApiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY,
            temperature: 0.9
    agent: {
      type: "chat-conversational-react-description",
      memory_length: 2,
      vector_length: 2,
      verbose: false,
      tools: [],
      agent_config: {}
      // prefix
      // suffix
  // LangDrive returns a promise, so let's await those.
  let prompt = "My name is Michael, What can you do for me.";
  console.log("> " , await chatbot.sendMessage(prompt));

  prompt = "What can you do for me in google drive?";
  console.log("> " , await chatbot.sendMessage(prompt));

  prompt = "What is my name?";
  console.log("> " , await chatbot.sendMessage(prompt));

You can also clone the repo and get started with our demo chatbot

  1. Download Repo
  2. npm install

  3. Create Google OAuth2 Keys
  4. .env.examples -> .env + Keys
  5. npm run start

Chatbot Properties

The props used in DriveChatbot(props) configure your chatbot. Available settings and their default values are shown below.

NPM: Langdrive: DriveUtils Class

DriveUtils =

  ~~~~~~~~~~ class methods
  getFileInfo(filename, mimeType)
  getFileByName(filename, mimeType = false)
  createFile(filename, mimeType, message)
  createAndOrGetFile(filename, mimeType, message)
  updateFile(fileId, mimeType, message)

  ~~~~~~~~~~ static methods
  getAuthUrl({redirect_uri, client_id, scope})
  handleAuthCallback({client_secret, access_token, code, redirect_uri})
  refreshToken({client_secret, access_token, refresh_token, client_id})
  checkAndRefresh ({access_token, timestamp, refresh_token, client_id, client_secret})

Create an instance of the DriveUtils class like so:

const myDriveTool = new DriveUtils(GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, { ACCESS_TOKEN, verbose })

The DriveUtils class has some helping static functions to help you work with google OAuth2 access tokens.

Provides a URL for a user-consent page.

  let authUrl = DriveUtils.getAuthUrl({
    redirect_uri: "http://localhost:3000/auth/google/callback",
    scope: "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive",
    client_id: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID

Success will redirect you to the redirect_uri you with a code included in as a query parameter.

This `redirect_uri`` must be approved in the project's google cloud console oAuth2 admin panel.

We take the resulting req.query.code and issue anothe request to google to retrieve our ACCESS_TOKEN

let await DriveUtils.handleAuthCallback({
client_id: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,

The resulting data will return a refresh_token. If you save that, when the access_token expires, you can use checkAndRefresh to get a new one.

await DriveUtils.checkAndRefresh(

With that, you can create a new DriveUtils which provides Drive access.
