
A FastAPI Backend.

Primary LanguagePython

📺 TeVe Backend

This repository is developed as a backend for TeVe App. This backend utilizes the following tech-stack:

Why above Tech-Stack?

  • FastAPI is crowned as the fastest web framework for Python and thus we use it for our backend development.
  • Docker is a technology that packages an application into standardized units called containers that have everything the software needs to run including libraries, system tools, code, and runtime.

Setup Guide

This backend application is setup with Docker. Nevertheless, you can see the full local setup without Docker.

  1. Create a virtual-env
pyenv virtualenv 3.11.0 any_venv_name
pyenv local any_venv_name
  1. Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Test run your backend server
uvicorn main:app --reload
python main.py


for hosting purpose, this backend application is hosted on Okteto.

API Reference


  POST /login/
Parameter Type Description
username string email
password string password

Sign Up

  POST /user/
Parameter Type Description
name string username
password string password
email string email

Get User

  GET /user/{id}
Parameter Type Description
id int Required. your Access Token

Add to Favourites

  POST /fav/add
Parameter Type Description
stream_link string Required. your Access Token
channel_name string Required. your Access Token
category string Required. your Access Token

Get Favourites

  GET /fav/add
Parameter Type Description
none none Required. your Access Token

Delete Favourite

  DELETE /fav/delete
Parameter Type Description
stream_link string Required. your Access Token
channel_name string Required. your Access Token
category string Required. your Access Token