My fun and humble approach to convert German text messages to fake OTP (One Time Pad) messages. As an example, here is a small German text, saying if it is possible to thwart modern text analysis software, to detect who the author was. Padding was done manually, so that we always have five letter code groups: ----- Guten Morgen allerseits. Vielleicht könnte man damit auch solche modernen Forschungsprojekte durcheinanderbringen, welche es 'Forscher' erlaubt Textanalysen zu machen? Egal, es macht jedoch sehr viel Spaß mit solch einem Script Text(e) zu manipulieren. :-) Grüße Stefanabcd ^^^^ ----- Now we run a Linux one liner to convert the above text to a fake OTP message. cat message.txt | konwert UTF8-ascii/de | tr -cd '[:alpha:]' | tr [:lower:] [:upper:] | fold -w 5 | paste -sd' ' | fold -w 60 GUTEN MORGE NALLE RSEIT SVIEL LEICH TKOEN NTEMA NDAMI TAUCH SOLCH EMODE RNENF ORSCH UNGSP ROJEK TEDUR CHEIN ANDER BRING ENWEL CHEES FORSC HERER LAUBT TEXTA NALYS ENZUM ACHEN EGALE SMACH TJEDO CHSEH RVIEL SPASS MITSO LCHEI NEMSC RIPTT EXTEZ UMANI PULIE RENGR UESSE STEFA NABCD ^^^^ If we apply then a final '| rot13' at the end of the above one liner we get this result, looking like an OTP message. THGRA ZBETR ANYYR EFRVG FIVRY YRVPU GXBRA AGRZN AQNZV GNHPU FBYPU RZBQR EARAS BEFPU HATFC EBWRX GRQHE PURVA NAQRE OEVAT RAJRY PURRF SBEFP URERE YNHOG GRKGN ANYLF RAMHZ NPURA RTNYR FZNPU GWRQB PUFRU EIVRY FCNFF ZVGFB YPURV ARZFP EVCGG RKGRM HZNAV CHYVR ERATE HRFFR FGRSN ANOPQ ^^^^ Additionally (Windows WSL) users can then run this program to get a hard to recocnize (for computers) result, ready to be FAXed: