
HELP file, public mail2chan Gateway for YAMN and Mixmaster users


mail2chan Gateway [mail2chan@300baud.de] for YAMN and Mixmaster users

Supported chans and their addresses:

Address:						Chan Name:

BM-2cWfwvYLZPaZtQeFFu9daEdrU5qNBK6CwX@bitmessage	Test

Creating messages for your Mixclient.

Write in your ASCII or UTF-8 editor a message in the following format:
(we will use the chan 'Test' for this example)

To: mail2chan@300baud.de
Subject: none (use the word 'none' for uniformity)

---Begin Bitmessage---
From: BM-2cWfwvYLZPaZtQeFFu9daEdrU5qNBK6CwX@bitmessage
To: BM-2cWfwvYLZPaZtQeFFu9daEdrU5qNBK6CwX@bitmessage
Subject: whatever

Your message goes here.

---End Bitmessage---

Replying to messages:

Simply add the word 'Re:' in front of the Subject: text and
copy/paste from your Bitmessage client the started reply,
which you like to fill out.

Please note: This is an experimental Gateway. It may break
often and it may go away. Contact: stefan[at]ctemplar.com

P.S. The example Diagram.png in this repository shows use cases
for what an m2c Gateway could be used. Not shown in the image is
the possibility to use Tor for outbound traffic of a Gateway.