
password to mnemonic - create BIP39 mnemonic from a password and a salt

Primary LanguageGo

Usage: p2m [OPTIONS]

Generate a deterministic BIP39 mnemonic from a password or convert a mnemonic to entropy.

  -password string
        Deterministic password to use (required if not using -mnemonic)
  -salt string
        Salt value for PBKDF2 (default "BIP39 Mnemonic")
  -words int
        Number of words in the mnemonic (12, 15, 18, 21, or 24) (default 24)
  -mnemonic string
        Input mnemonic to convert to entropy
        Show this help message

  p2m -password "MySecurePassword" -salt "MySalt" -words 12
  p2m -mnemonic "word1 word2 word3 ... word12"

Note: Using fewer words results in less security. 24 words is recommended for maximum security.