
Query Language Result Mapper

Primary LanguageJava


In JPA there is no Constructor Expression for native SQL queries. QLRM fills the gap!

And because the implementation was quite easy there is an implementation for JDBC resultsets as well.

But what about JPA 2.1 and the ConstructorResult?

Read more: https://github.com/simasch/qlrm/blob/master/ConstructorResult.md

Maven Dependency

QLRM is available in Maven Central

Important Notices

  1. The groupId has changed from ch.simas.qlrm to org.qlrm
  2. QLRM from version 4.x.x require Jakarta Persistence

NEW from 1.7.0: QueryExecutors

Sometimes it's cleaner to move the SQL statements to a file but how to execute these statements?

QueryExecutors to the rescue!

There is an implemenation that takes a JDBC connection and one using the JPA EntityManager.


JdbcQueryExecutor queryExecutor = new JdbcQueryExecutor();
List<EmployeeTO> list = queryExecutor.executeSelect(con, EmployeeTO.class, "select_with_one_param.sql", 1);


JpaQueryExecutor queryExecutor = new JpaQueryExecutor();
List<EmployeeTO> list = queryExecutor.executeSelect(em, EmployeeTO.class, "select_with_one_param.sql", 1);


The usage is quite forward but be aware of:

  • The Constructor must have the same number of arguments as the result of the SQL query
  • The result types must match the constructor arguments types

JPA Native Query


JpaResultMapper jpaResultMapper = new JpaResultMapper();

Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT ID, NAME FROM EMPLOYEE");
List<EmployeeTO> list = jpaResultMapper.list(q, EmployeeTO.class);

Unique Result

Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT ID, NAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE ID = 1");
EmployeeTO to = jpaResultMapper.uniqueResult(q, EmployeeTO.class);



Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e.id, e.name FROM Employee e");
List<EmployeeTO> list = jpaResultMapper.list(q, EmployeeTO.class);

Unique Result

Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT e.id, e.name FROM Employee e WHERE e.id = 1");
EmployeeTO to = jpaResultMapper.uniqueResult(q, EmployeeTO.class);



JdbcResultMapper jdbcResultMapper = new JdbcResultMapper();

List<EmployeeTO> list = jdbcResultMapper.list(stmt.getResultSet(), EmployeeTO.class);

Unique Result

boolean ok = stmt.execute("SELECT ID, NAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE ID = 1");
EmployeeTO to = jdbcResultMapper.uniqueResult(stmt.getResultSet(), EmployeeTO.class);


The QL Result Mapper is inspired by EclipseLink and Hibernate:

Class Generator

ClassGenerator is a simple utility to generate transfer objects from database tables.


The first parameter is the path where the source file should be generated to. The second is the package name, third a suffix. With the forth parameter you can define if the fields should be public or if the generator must generate getters. Then a database connection must be passed. And the last parameter is a vargargs where you can pass one or multiple table names.

ClassGenerator classGenerator = new ClassGenerator();

classGenerator.generateFromTables("src/test/java/", "ch.simas.sqlresultmapper.to", "TO", false, con, "EMPLOYEE");

Release Notes

QLRM 3.0.1

  • New method on JdbcQueryExecutor to execute a SQL string. Thank you Severin! #17

QLRM 2.1.0

  • JpaQueryExecutor now supports paging

QLRM 1.7.1

QLRM 1.7.0

  • Added JpaQueryExecutor and JdbcQueryExecutor

QLRM 1.6.9

  • BigInteger Support for class generator by Nicola Mazarese: #15

QLRM 1.6.8

  • Switched Java version back to 1.7. Sorry for any inconvenience!

QLRM 1.6.6

  • Fixes from Nicola Mazarese pull request #14

QLRM 1.6.4

  • Contains fixes from Jan Mosigs pull request #12

QLRM 1.6.3 Bugfix

  • #9 thanks to Jan Mosig for the fix

QLRM 1.6.1 New Features

  • Support for multiple constructors
  • Definition of schema for code generation


Special thanks for their contribution to


QLRM is open source and free software under Apache License, Version 2:
