
Returns an array containing the initial elements which both input arrays have in common.

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Returns an array containing the initial elements which both input arrays have in common.

A common use-case for this is discovering common ancestors between two file paths.

> commonSequence = require('common-sequence');

> pathA = '/Users/lloyd/Documents/75lb/dmd'.split('/');
> pathB = '/Users/lloyd/Documents/75lb/array-tools'.split('/');

> commonSequence(pathA, pathB).join('/');

or a more trivial example:

> a.commonSequence([ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 4 ])
[ 1, 2 ]

commonSequence(a, b) ⇒ Array

Returns the initial elements which both input arrays have in common

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Description
a Array first array to compare
b Array second array to compare

Load anywhere

This library is compatible with Node.js, the Web and any style of module loader. It can be loaded anywhere, natively without transpilation.


const commonSequence = require('common-sequence')

Within Node.js with ECMAScript Module support enabled:

import commonSequence from 'common-sequence'

Within an modern browser ECMAScript Module:

import commonSequence from './node_modules/common-sequence/index.mjs'

Old browser (adds window.commonSequence):

<script nomodule src="./node_modules/common-sequence/dist/index.js"></script>

© 2015-21 Lloyd Brookes <75pound@gmail.com>. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.