
An isomorphic JavaScript class for building composite structures.

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An isomorphic, load-anywhere JavaScript class for building composite structures. Suitable for use as a super class or mixin.


The Composite class implements the composite design pattern, useful for building and traversing tree structures. For example, build a composite structure representing the French government:

const Composite = require('composite-class')

class Person extends Composite {
  constructor (name, role) {
    this.name = name
    this.role = role

  toString () {
    return `${this.name} [${this.role}]`

const government = new Person('Gouvernement de la République française', 'Government')
const headOfState = new Person('Emmanuel Macron', 'Head of State')
const primeMinister = new Person('Édouard Philippe', 'Prime Minister')
const ministerArmedForces = new Person('Florence Parly', 'Minister of the Armed Forces')
const ministerEconomy = new Person('Bruno Le Maire', 'Minister of Finance and the Economy')




- Gouvernement de la République française [Government]
  - Emmanuel Macron [Head of State]
    - Édouard Philippe [Prime Minister]
      - Florence Parly [Minister of the Armed Forces]
      - Bruno Le Maire [Minister of Finance and the Economy]

The Composite class implements an iterable interface, therefore can be iterated using standard JavaScript methods.

for (const person of government) {
  console.log('Processing:', person.name)


Processing: Gouvernement de la République française
Processing: Emmanuel Macron
Processing: Édouard Philippe
Processing: Florence Parly
Processing: Bruno Le Maire


An isomorphic, load-anywhere JavaScript class for building composite structures. Suitable for use as a super class or mixin.


const Composite = require('composite-class')

Composite ⏏

Kind: Exported class

composite.children : Array


Kind: instance property of Composite

composite.parent : Composite


Kind: instance property of Composite

composite.add(child) ⇒ Composite

Add a child

Kind: instance method of Composite

Param Type Description
child Composite the child node to add

composite.append(child) ⇒ Composite

Kind: instance method of Composite

Param Type Description
child Composite the child node to append

composite.prepend(child) ⇒ Composite

Kind: instance method of Composite

Param Type Description
child Composite the child node to prepend

composite.remove(child) ⇒ Composite

Kind: instance method of Composite

Param Type Description
child Composite the child node to remove

composite.level() ⇒ number

depth level in the tree, 0 being root.

Kind: instance method of Composite

composite.getDescendentCount() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Composite

composite.tree() ⇒ string

prints a tree using the .toString() representation of each node in the tree

Kind: instance method of Composite

composite.root() ⇒ Composite

Returns the root instance of this tree.

Kind: instance method of Composite


default iteration strategy

Kind: instance method of Composite


Used by node's util.inspect.

Kind: instance method of Composite

composite.parents() ⇒ Array.<Composite>

Returns an array of ancestors

Kind: instance method of Composite


Kind: static method of Composite

Param Type Description
target object The target class (or constructor function) to receive the state machine behaviour.

Load anywhere

This library is compatible with Node.js, the Web and any style of module loader. It can be loaded anywhere, natively without transpilation.


const Composite = require('composite-class')

Within Node.js with ECMAScript Module support enabled:

import Composite from 'composite-class'

Within an modern browser ECMAScript Module:

import Composite from './node_modules/composite-class/index.mjs'

Old browser (adds window.Composite):

<script nomodule src="./node_modules/composite-class/dist/index.js"></script>

© 2016-24 Lloyd Brookes <75pound@gmail.com>.

Test suite by test-runner. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.