
Finite State Machine for use as a base class or mix-in

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Finite state machine.

Either mix it into an existing object:

import StateMachine from 'fsm-base'

const device = {}

device._initStateMachine('offline', [
  { from: 'offline', to: 'connecting' },
  { from: 'connecting', to: 'online' },
  { from: ['connecting', 'online'], to: 'offline' }

device.onStateChange = function (state, prevState) {
  console.log(state, prevState)

device.state = 'connecting'
device.state = 'connecting' // should not trigger events again
device.state = 'online'
device.state = 'offline' // valid state move

..or define a class which extends it:

class Device extends StateMachine {}

const device = new Device()
device._initStateMachine('offline', [
  { from: 'offline', to: 'connecting' },
  { from: 'connecting', to: 'online' },
  { from: ['connecting', 'online'], to: 'offline' }

device.onStateChange = function (state, prevState) {
  console.log(state, prevState)

device.state = 'connecting'
// etc

..or mix it into an existing class that does not extend fsm-base.

class Device {}

const device = new Device()
device._initStateMachine('offline', [
  { from: 'offline', to: 'connecting' },
  { from: 'connecting', to: 'online' },
  { from: ['connecting', 'online'], to: 'offline' }

device.onStateChange = function (state, prevState) {
  console.log(state, prevState)

device.state = 'connecting'

See the API Documentation for more information.

© 2015-24 Lloyd Brookes <75pound@gmail.com>. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.