
VueJS Training for TTEC

Primary LanguageHTML

Vue.js v3 Training for Toshiba

Day 0: Javascript (ES6) refresher

  1. Let, Const
  2. Arrow functions
  3. Array methods
  4. spread operators
  5. De-structuring
  6. Module loaders
  7. Promises
  8. Async / Await

Session Recording: https://preetish.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/Preetish/ESX0-8UJpVlOvAvycoE_N0oBrWuYFrqzgdzXvFJ-D7HdHA?e=vpiZhp Password: VueTrainingToshiba

Day 1:

  1. Setting up project from CLI (node.js, vue-cli)
  2. Folder Architecture
  3. Template syntax
  4. Data properties, computed properties, watchers, methods
  5. Data binding (One way and two way)
  6. Components (global and local)

Session Recording: https://preetish.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/Preetish/EZ6yIfvQknpHmOeJxum4UkgBZJ3jwfkglzF5Zl0QO2UcmA?e=W9ZMa0 Password: VueTrainingToshiba

Day 2:

  1. Directives, loops and conditional syntax
  2. Lifecycle hooks
  3. Component communication (props and emit)
  4. Dynamic components

Session Recording: https://preetish.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/Preetish/ETnCa4ABgXBGimJsFBvK3DwBQ-UlGeJPK37vue5W6iNXKw?e=jdHqXF Password: VueTrainingToshiba

Day 3:

  1. Two-way binding for custom components
  2. Slots, named Slots and scoped slots
  3. Binding classes and styles (CSS)
  4. Form input binding (Radio, Checkbox etc)
  5. Events and event modifiers
  6. Keyboard events and modifiers

Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/Eew9IiTS_AxPnB5ATuDYIQABru3k86Er0zsP8peg_ijXpw?e=dd1tJa Password: VueTrainingToshiba

Day 4:

  1. REST API Intro
  2. HTTP Codes
  3. Using Axios to Make API Calls

Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/EWQNyREVc2pArheR2YD-owwBMtmRaLXhUVG8obIvnSmZTw?e=8fBjUq Password: VueTrainingToshiba

Day 5:

  1. Axios Instance
  2. Axios Interceptors
  3. Introduction to Vue router
  4. Creating routes and navigation
  5. Navigating via code
  6. Dynamic routing and query parameters
  7. Child routes / Nested routes
  8. Handing 404 route
  9. Styling Active route

Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/Ebp-9WVxfkhGgsdvXKYKP_EBpfH-k2L4H-Br6icfJYor2w?e=7ynkgd Password: VueTrainingToshiba

Day 6:

  1. Code splitting (lazy loading)
  2. Introduction to Vuex and State management
  3. Storing and manipulating data in Vuex
  4. Using Vuex in Components
  5. Using Vuex helpers

Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/EZktiUiVPNlIgRQtnP9Ex5gBq6tdBjJOEBbK5E_-CI_dOA?e=amJHO7 Password: VueTrainingToshiba

Day 7:

  1. Namespaced store and modules
  2. Navigation Guards (Local and Global)
  3. Persisted State
  4. Introduction to Mixins and code sharing

Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/EdUQMpjl9U9Ll5gkP8PUuTEBd4wU0kZuWV5-7Zlfhxeclg?e=ubuUG0 Password: VueTrainingToshiba

Day 8:

  1. Composition API
  2. Sharing code via Composition Functions
  3. Introduction to Vue-i18n and Internationalization
  4. Creating translation files
  5. Using translation in templates and JavaScript
  6. Switching languages
  7. Number localization
  8. Singular/plural localization

Important Links:

Intl Browser Library

Different localization metrics


Date Formats

Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/Ec862knDYl5Lj_QEA4N2argBKKhXDX4Xkkgi2tUq9XwDeg?e=SzSdth Password: VueTrainingToshiba

Day 9:

  1. Fetching browser language
  2. Persisting Language selection
  3. Date Localization
  4. Unit Testing theory
  5. Understanding what to test
  6. Testing components, triggering events, emits

Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/EaWil7DgmoxDgf32cfONmgYBlPDfVJ0-eDKmJQxaAtcLKA?e=diRzhM Password: VueTrainingToshiba

Day 9:

  1. Testing if a Vue Component is present
  2. Testing Conditionals
  3. Testing Dynamic Components
  4. Testing Slots
  5. Testing Router
  6. Extracting out wrapper method
  7. Testing Vuex
  8. Testing API Calls

Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/EXbWram0P8ZOmU2OsSs3K6IB8syzSgoM-Ll0KfV08D631A?e=zOQLFl Password: VueTrainingToshiba