- Let, Const
- Arrow functions
- Array methods
- spread operators
- De-structuring
- Module loaders
- Promises
- Async / Await
Session Recording: https://preetish.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/Preetish/ESX0-8UJpVlOvAvycoE_N0oBrWuYFrqzgdzXvFJ-D7HdHA?e=vpiZhp Password: VueTrainingToshiba
- Setting up project from CLI (node.js, vue-cli)
- Folder Architecture
- Template syntax
- Data properties, computed properties, watchers, methods
- Data binding (One way and two way)
- Components (global and local)
Session Recording: https://preetish.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/Preetish/EZ6yIfvQknpHmOeJxum4UkgBZJ3jwfkglzF5Zl0QO2UcmA?e=W9ZMa0 Password: VueTrainingToshiba
- Directives, loops and conditional syntax
- Lifecycle hooks
- Component communication (props and emit)
- Dynamic components
Session Recording: https://preetish.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/Preetish/ETnCa4ABgXBGimJsFBvK3DwBQ-UlGeJPK37vue5W6iNXKw?e=jdHqXF Password: VueTrainingToshiba
- Two-way binding for custom components
- Slots, named Slots and scoped slots
- Binding classes and styles (CSS)
- Form input binding (Radio, Checkbox etc)
- Events and event modifiers
- Keyboard events and modifiers
Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/Eew9IiTS_AxPnB5ATuDYIQABru3k86Er0zsP8peg_ijXpw?e=dd1tJa Password: VueTrainingToshiba
- REST API Intro
- HTTP Codes
- Using Axios to Make API Calls
Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/EWQNyREVc2pArheR2YD-owwBMtmRaLXhUVG8obIvnSmZTw?e=8fBjUq Password: VueTrainingToshiba
- Axios Instance
- Axios Interceptors
- Introduction to Vue router
- Creating routes and navigation
- Navigating via code
- Dynamic routing and query parameters
- Child routes / Nested routes
- Handing 404 route
- Styling Active route
Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/Ebp-9WVxfkhGgsdvXKYKP_EBpfH-k2L4H-Br6icfJYor2w?e=7ynkgd Password: VueTrainingToshiba
- Code splitting (lazy loading)
- Introduction to Vuex and State management
- Storing and manipulating data in Vuex
- Using Vuex in Components
- Using Vuex helpers
Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/EZktiUiVPNlIgRQtnP9Ex5gBq6tdBjJOEBbK5E_-CI_dOA?e=amJHO7 Password: VueTrainingToshiba
- Namespaced store and modules
- Navigation Guards (Local and Global)
- Persisted State
- Introduction to Mixins and code sharing
Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/EdUQMpjl9U9Ll5gkP8PUuTEBd4wU0kZuWV5-7Zlfhxeclg?e=ubuUG0 Password: VueTrainingToshiba
- Composition API
- Sharing code via Composition Functions
- Introduction to Vue-i18n and Internationalization
- Creating translation files
- Using translation in templates and JavaScript
- Switching languages
- Number localization
- Singular/plural localization
Important Links:
Different localization metrics
Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/Ec862knDYl5Lj_QEA4N2argBKKhXDX4Xkkgi2tUq9XwDeg?e=SzSdth Password: VueTrainingToshiba
- Fetching browser language
- Persisting Language selection
- Date Localization
- Unit Testing theory
- Understanding what to test
- Testing components, triggering events, emits
Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/EaWil7DgmoxDgf32cfONmgYBlPDfVJ0-eDKmJQxaAtcLKA?e=diRzhM Password: VueTrainingToshiba
- Testing if a Vue Component is present
- Testing Conditionals
- Testing Dynamic Components
- Testing Slots
- Testing Router
- Extracting out wrapper method
- Testing Vuex
- Testing API Calls
Session Recording: https://preetish-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/contact_preetish_onmicrosoft_com/EXbWram0P8ZOmU2OsSs3K6IB8syzSgoM-Ll0KfV08D631A?e=zOQLFl Password: VueTrainingToshiba