
Responsive image generation and optimization with Web UI

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Balmung is tool for generating compressed and responsive images.

This app is under development


  • Web UI
  • Resize images for various pixel ratio
  • Compress images
  • Flexible compression settings per directory, file and size
  • Export custom settings for grunt tasks (grunt-balmung)
  • Automatic update of git or svn repository

Compression tools

  • png
    • pngquant
    • optipng
    • zopfli
  • jpg
    • jpegtran
  • gif
    • gifsicle


Server should have installed ImageMagick before starting.

Install balmung

npm install -g balmung

To start balmung server, run


Access with your web browser after launching.

Command line options

  • config: path of the config file
  • port: port number to listen web

To execute with your customized configuration, run

balmung --config /etc/balmung.js --port 8080


You can customize balmung with simple javascript file.

module.exports = {

  // Working directory
  datadir: './content',
  // Settings to be written
  settings: './content/balmung-settings.json',

  /* Repository settings to get contents from VCS
  repository: {
    type: 'git', // git or svn
    url: 'https://github.com/xyz/xyz.git', // URL of the repository
    update: 60000 // update interval (millisec)

  // resize default
  resize: {
    // ratio list to be generated
    ratio: [1.0, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0],
    // base ratio of images in source directory
    base: 3.0,
    // unsharp option after resizing
    unsharp: '2x1.4+0.5+0',
    // resizing concurrency
    concurrency: 4,
    // Replace patterns of directory and file name.
    // {dirname} - base directory name
    // {ratio} - pixel ratio
    // {ratiox10} - pixel ratio * 10
    // {basename} - base name of the file. ex) example.png -> example
    // {extname} - extension name of the file. ex) example.png -> .png
    dirname: '{dirname}',
    filename: '{basename}_{ratiox10}{extname}'

  // optimizer
  optimize: {
    // optimizing concurrency
    concurrency: 2,
    // Default image filter to be used
    tools: {
      jpg: ['jpegtran'],
      png: ['pngquant', 'optipng', 'zopfli'],
      gif: ['gifsicle']

  // pngquant
  pngquant: {
    color: 256,
    speed: 3

  // optipng
  optipng: {
    level: 3

  // zopfli
  zopfli: {

  // jpegtran
  jpegtran: {
    optimize: true,
    copy: 'none'

  // gifsicle
  gifsicle: {
    level: 3

  logger: {
    appenders: {
      console: { type: 'console' }


grunt-balmung is a grunt task which optimize images with same options of balmung server.

npm install grunt-balmung --save-dev

grunt task

  balmung: {


Suguru Namura
