
A stupid person make a stupid minitalk

Primary LanguageC

💬 minitalk - @42Born2Code

The virtual machine

GitHub code size in bytes Number of lines of code Code language count GitHub top language GitHub last commit

💡 About the project

The purpose of this project is to code a small data exchange program using UNIX signals.

For more detailed information, look at the subject of this project.

🛠️ Usage


The function is written in C language and thus needs the gcc compiler and some standard C libraries to run.


1. Compiling

To compile, go to the project path and run:

$ make

📋 Testing

To test the program you just need to launch the "server" and the "client" in different shell tabs with the following:

$ ./server

This will show your PID to make the client work and will stay waiting to receive a message from the "client"

$ ./client "PID" "Your message string"

By launching it, this will show "Your message string" on the server window.