
D4UTreborn, Discord Server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

D4UTReborn Project: Function Deep Dive

  1. File: package.json
  • Contains project metadata, dependencies, and scripts.
  • Scripts for building (npm run start-dev, fetch-structure)

  1. File: tsconfig.json
  • TypeScript compiler configuration.
  • Specifies target JavaScript version, module system, output directory, and other compiler options.

  1. File: public/index.html
  • Main HTML structure of the web application.
  • Links to CSS (styles.css) and JavaScript (main.js, navigation.js) files.

  1. File: public/welcome.html
  • Contains the welcome message displayed to the user when they first load the application.

  1. File: public/css/styles.css
  • Defines styles for the web application, including animations, layout, colors, fonts, and responsive design.

  1. File: public/js/affixSelection.js
  • Function: populateAffixSelection(affixes)
    • Populates the affix selection UI with checkboxes for each affix.
    • Clears previous affix elements and creates new ones based on the provided affixes.

  1. File: public/js/buildManager.js
  • Function: saveBuild(selectedClass, selectedSkill, selectedItem, summaryContent)

    • Prompts the user to enter a name for the build.
    • Saves the build to local storage.
    • Calls loadBuilds() to refresh the list of saved builds.
  • Function: loadBuilds()

    • Loads builds from local storage and displays them in the UI.
  • Function: loadBuild(index)

    • Loads a specific build from local storage.
    • Fetches skills and unique items to ensure the selections are updated.
    • Adds event listeners for summary items.
  • Function: deleteBuild(index)

    • Deletes a specific build from local storage.
    • Calls loadBuilds() to refresh the list of saved builds.

  1. File: public/js/classSelection.js
  • Function: initClassSelection(selectClassCallback, currentClass)
    • Initializes the class selection process.
    • Creates class cards and updates the summary when a class is selected.

  1. File: public/js/dataFetchers.js
  • Function: fetchSkills(selectedClass, populateSkillDropdowns, displaySkillDetails, addSkillSelectionListeners)

    • Fetches skills for the selected class from the server.
    • Calls provided callbacks to populate skill dropdowns, display skill details, and add skill selection listeners.
  • Function: fetchUniqueItems(selectedClass, populateUniqueItems)

    • Fetches unique items from the server.
    • Filters items based on the selected class and calls populateUniqueItems().
  • Function: fetchAffixes(selectedClass, gearType, populateAffixSelection)

    • Fetches affixes for the selected class and gear type from the server.
    • Calls populateAffixSelection() with the fetched affixes.

  1. File: public/js/eventListeners.js
  • Function: initializeEventListeners()
    • Fetches the welcome message and sets up event listeners for various UI elements.

  1. File: public/js/helper.js
  • Function: calculateTotalAttributes(selectedItems)
    • Calculates total attributes based on selected items.
    • Updates the UI with the calculated total attributes.

  1. File: public/js/itemDetails.js
  • Function: displayItemDetails(selectedItems)

    • Displays details of the selected items in the UI.
    • Adds input event listeners to recalculate total attributes.
  • Function: displaySelectedItemDetails(item)

    • Displays detailed information about a selected item in the UI.

  1. File: public/js/itemSelection.js
  • Function: initItemSelection(displayItemDetails, calculateTotalAttributes)
    • Initializes the item selection process.
    • Function: populateItemDropdowns(items)
      • Populates item dropdowns based on the provided items.
      • Calls displayItemDetails() and calculateTotalAttributes() when an item is selected.

  1. File: public/js/main.js
  • Manages the main functionality and initializes various components.
  • Functions: navigateToSection(type), event listeners for buttons, etc.
  • Calls functions from other modules to handle class, skill, and item selection.

  1. File: public/js/navigation.js
  • Function: navigateToSection(type, fetchUniqueItems, selectedClass)
    • Handles navigation logic between different sections.
    • Hides all sections and shows the specified section.

  1. File: public/js/skillDetails.js
  • Function: displaySkillDetails(skills, skillClass)
    • Displays details of the provided skills in the UI.

  1. File: public/js/skillSelection.js
  • Function: initSkillSelection(selectSkillCallback)
    • Initializes the skill selection process.
    • Function: populateSkillDropdowns(skills)
      • Populates skill dropdowns with the provided skills.
      • Calls selectSkillCallback() when a skill is selected.

  1. File: public/js/summary.js
  • Function: updateSummary(type, value, details = null)

    • Updates the summary section with the provided type, value, and details.
  • Function: resetSummary()

    • Resets the summary section.

  1. File: public/js/uniqueItemSelection.js
  • Function: initUniqueItemSelection(onItemSelected)
    • Initializes the unique item selection process.
    • Function: populateUniqueItems(items)
      • Populates unique items in the UI and sets up click event listeners.

  1. File: src/server.ts
  • Sets up an Express server to serve static files and API endpoints.
  • API Endpoints:
    • /api/items/:class: Get items by class.
    • /api/skills/:class: Get skills by class.
    • /api/unique-items: Get unique items.
    • /api/affixes/:class/:gearType: Get gear affixes for a specific class and gear type.

  1. File: src/store.ts
  • Class: Store
    • Methods:
      • getItemsByClass(itemClass): Fetches items for the specified class.
      • getSkillsByClass(skillClass): Fetches skills for the specified class.

  1. File: src/data/unique_items.json
  • Contains a list of unique items with their names, types, attributes, effects, lore, class, and images.