
Similar to our ECS singleton task repo, we segregated this out because of VPC networking mode.

Primary LanguageHCL

ECS Fargate Singleton Task

This module will allow you to deploy an ECS Task and an ECS Service. This is intended to be run as part of your app deployment pipeline. It works well with Concourse. It is assumed you already have a solution for deploying an ECS Cluster. If not, check out ours..

This is a bare metal service implementation with no load balancers, target groups, and the like. If you want to deploy something with a load balancer you should check out our HTTP task.

Because fargate requires AWS VPC networking mode we segregated this task out from our other terraform singleton task that's designed to work with EC2 clusters. The inputs for this module will be slightly different than those by a few bits, but otherwise should be fairly identical.


First, you need a decent understanding of how to use Terraform. Hit the docs for that. Then, you should familiarize yourself with ECS concepts, especially if you've never worked with a clustering solution before. Once you're good, import this module and pass the appropriate variables. Then, plan your run and deploy.

Example Usage

module "terraform-ecs-task" {
  source                = "git::https://github.com/7Factor/terraform-fargate-singleton-task.git"
  vpc_id                = "${data.aws_vpc.primary_vpc.id}"

  app_name              = "${var.app_name}"
  app_port              = "${var.app_port}"
  cpu                   = "256"
  memory                = "256"
  desired_task_count    = "2"
  container_definition = "${data.template_file.container_definitions.rendered}"