
The main object of the project is to develop smart energy meter is not only measure the consumer’s power consumption in KWH but also to enable and support real consumption in rupees according to consumer tariff, so meter reader don’t need to visit each customer for the consumed data collection and to distributed the bill slips. In our invented meter we do not have any rotating parts .The energy consumption is calculated using measurement voltage and current with help of potential divider and ACS712 ,measure voltage and current respectively. Power product of voltage and current, its unit watt or KW and energy is product of power (watt) and time (Hour). so we use mentioned standard formula and using Arduino Microcontroller Programming , we are calculating total energy consumption of consumer load. Microcontroller has an interface in size of 16*2 LCD, it shows important data dimensions such as voltage, current,active and power and energy consumption it also shows power qualities.

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