
CEP Photoshop Extension Panel Showcase

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CEP Photoshop Extension Panel Showcase

What this sample is

This sample showcases various features and capabilities of CEP, including:

  • Importing/Exporting different assets (Patterns, Actions Files, Images) using dynamic paths
  • Playback options for Action Files (.atn) such as: Play Again, Stop, Continue, Revert
  • Communication on both sides between client and host (.jsx file) via CEP Events
  • Running a set of pre-defined action steps, generated from an Action File
  • Triggering different dialogs and tools of Photoshop CC
  • Setting XMP Metadata based on a html form
  • Handling History states
  • Integration with AngularJS


Screenshot #1 Screenshot #2
Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

How to get started

Move cep-photoshop-extension-panel-showcase folder to the extension folder

Note that the extension folder location is different depending on which OS you use.

  • OS X: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/

See CEP Cookbook for more details.

These are some helper functions used for this project

  • playActionFile
  • selectTool
  • getCurrentTool
  • definePattern
  • exportPattern
  • getPatternIndexByName
  • selectLayerForward
  • selectLayerBackward
  • getLoadedPresets
  • loadNewAppFile
  • displayPatterns
  • isSelectionActive
  • stopOrContinue
  • waitForRedraw
  • parseCommand
  • scanSubFolders
  • executeCommand
  • getPatternsFileInfo
  • setFormMetadata
  • loadActions
  • loadPatterns



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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
