
This is Tool or source code Create to learn and level up technology knowledge i'm not responsible about bad use or any thing else this tool or code open source and Can use or edit or modify


This is Tool or source code Create to learn and level up technology knowledge i'm not responsible about bad use or any thing else this tool or code open source and Can use or edit or modify

First , let’s download some libraries than import them. Open your terminal and write these :

pip install geocoder
pip install folium

Now let’s import these libraries. If you want some nice-looking title you can also use pyfiglet library.

import geocoder # to locate the ip 
import folium # to create a visual map 
import codecs
import optparse 3 to get input from terminal
import time

Now let’s create a function to get user input from terminal:

import geocoder # to locate the ip 
import folium # to create a visual map 
import codecs
import optparse # to get input from terminal
import time
def getting_input():
    object_parse = optparse.OptionParser() #creating optparse object
    object_parse.add_option("-i", "--ip", dest="ip", help="ip to change,if you want to search your ip, just type `me`") # creating the input
    return object_parse.parse_args()
[user_input,arguements] = getting_input()  

Now let’s find the location of the ip address chosen by the user:


    g = geocoder.ip(user_input.ip) #==> gets your ip address or put an ip address 

    myaddress = g.latlng # getting the cords

    print(myaddress) # printing the address
    my_map1 = folium.Map(location=myaddress,zoom_start=12) #creating the map 
    folium.CircleMarker(location=myaddress,radius=50,popup="Yorkshire").add_to(my_map1) # adding a circle to the the selected cords

    folium.Marker(location=myaddress,popup="Yorkshire").add_to(my_map1) #adding a marker to the selected cords

    print("can not find the location of your IP!!!") #if ip is wrong print this: