
honeysql sister

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


data ast for sql, aka honeysql as base for dsl's on top of it

Build Status

Clojars Project

honeysql is an awesome idea, but....

  • composability - it should be easy compose expressions into sql query
  • extendibility - to extend - just add one multi-method ql.method/to-sql
  • pure functional implementation - sql generation as a tree reduction
  • implicit params - manage params style jdbc, postgres, inline
  • use namespaced keywords
  • validation by clojure.spec
  • prefer hash-map over vector (support both, where vector is just sugar)
  • dsl's on top of it


(require '[ql.core :as ql :refer [sql]])

 #:ql{:select {:name :u.name}
      :from  {:u :user}
      :where {:by-id [:ql/= :u.id [:ql/param 5]]}})

  :sql = "SELECT u.name AS name FROM u user WHERE /** by-id **/ ( u.id = ? )"
  :params = [ 5 ]

In the example above :ql/type :ql/select is omitted. For root node if no :ql/type provided :ql/select is used by default.

Insert with json and string values example:

 #:ql{:type       :ql/insert
      :table_name :db_table_name
      :value      {:column_a {:ql/type :ql/jsonb
                              :key     [:some :values]}
                   :column_b "value-b"}
      :returning  :*})
;; =>
{:sql    "INSERT INTO db_table_name ( column_a , column_b ) VALUES ( $JSON${\"key\":[\"some\",\"values\"]}$JSON$ , 'value-b' ) RETURNING *"
 :params []
 :opts   nil}

Pretty printing sql with {:format :pretty}:

(:sql (ql/sql
       {:ql/select {:a :a
                    :b :b}
        :ql/from   {:ql/type :ql/select :ql/select :* :ql/from :user}
        :ql/where  [:ql/= :user.id 1]} {:format :pretty}))
;; => SELECT
;;      a AS a ,
;;      b AS b
;;    FROM
;;      (
;;        SELECT
;;          *
;;        FROM
;;          user
;;      )
;;    WHERE
;;      user.id = 1

Extend select query with :mssql/options clause:

(defmethod ql.method/to-sql :mssql/options
  [acc expr]
   (fn [acc [k v]]
     (-> acc
         (ql.method/conj-sql (name k) "=")
         (ql.method/to-sql v)))
   acc (dissoc expr :ql/type)))

 {:ql/type       :ql/select
  :ql/select     :*
  :ql/from       :user
  :mssql/options {:a 1}}
 (ql.method/add-clause ql/default-opts
                       {:key          :mssql/options
                        :default-type :mssql/options
                        :token        "OPTIONS"}))
;; => {:sql "SELECT * FROM user OPTIONS a = 1", :params [], :opts ...}

How it works

ql is a data-driven DSL, which converts tree structure into SQL string with placeholders and vector of params for following usage with db engine.

Main building blocks are hash-maps with metainformation provided by qualified keywords with ql namespace. Also, vectors are supported as a syntax sugar.


(sql {:ql/type :ql/=
      :left    "str"
      :middle  "test"
      :right   123})
;; => {:sql "'str' = 123", :params [], :opts nil}
(sql [:ql/= "str" 123 "another test"])
;; => {:sql "'str' = 123", :params [], :opts nil}

As demonstrated in the example above language can contain data of arbitral type, but this type must be acceptable by to-sql multhimethod.

(sql 123)
;; => {:sql "123", :params [], :opts nil}
(sql :keyword)
;; => {:sql "keyword", :params [], :opts nil}
(sql {:ql/type :ql/jsonb
      :key     :value})
;; => {:sql "$JSON${\"key\":\"value\"}$JSON$", :params [], :opts nil}

to-sql accepts two parameters partial-result and value-to-parse. partial-result is a hash-map with two keys :sql and :params, which represent current state of parsing (parts of sql string with placeholders and vector of parameters respectevly).

Parsing process starts from sql function, which calls to-sql with empty partial-result and root node parameters. For traversing tree structure kind of dfs is used. On each step type of the node is determined based on the following info:

  • For hash-map :ql/type value
  • For vector first element
  • type function for other object

Node type is used to call proper to-sql method. It updates current partial-result and calls to-sql for child nodes. Order is determined by internal implementation of each to-sql method.

After traversal, tokens in :sql are joined using " " and sql string is ready for use. Using {:format :jdbc} result will be converted in format suitable for jdbc.

(sql [:ql/= "str" 123] {:style  :honeysql
                        :format :jdbc})
;; => ["? = 123" "str"]

More detailed information can be found in these files.


source .env
docker-compose up -d
lein repl


Copyright © 2018 niquola

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.