
Primary LanguageClojure

Scramble CI

This is an application that accepts two strings and checks if one of them can be built using a portion of characters from the other string.

The check is implemented on the server side in the scramble.scramble namespace. The front end application includes a form with 2 inputs that is submitted to the server, and the result is sent back to be rendered in the interface.


The simplest way to launch the app is to build a Docker image and run a container from it:

# cd path/to/app
$ docker build -t scramble .
$ docker run -p 7000:7000 scramble

Then navigate to localhost:7000.

It is also possible to start the application with clj -A:clj:cljs:dev, but this is designed to be launched by cider-jack-in-clj&cljs from Emacs/CIDER; the .dir-locals.el file includes all necessary project-specific settings (including a custom ClojureScript REPL init form allowing the developer to run both REPLs from a single JVM process).

Be sure to npm install first, so that React is installed.


Tests can be run with clj -M:clj:test. A GitHub Actions workflow is configured to run tests after each push.


It is possible to build a self-sufficient jar containing the application (including both backend and frontend code).

First you need to compile the frontend - shadow-cljs is configured to store the resulting JS inside resources/public so that the backend app can serve it over HTTP.

$ npx shadow-cljs release :main

Then you can build the jar file:

$ clj -T:build uberjar

The resulting file will be located at target/scramble.jar, you can run it with java -jar target/scramble.jar.