
A note-taking app to record what you have daily learnt

Primary LanguagePython


The note-taking app developed for 'Advanced Software Development' subject.

Switch to the static branch to obtain all the dependencies.

How to

  • Make sure that you have cloned the static branch.
  • Install all the requirements: sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install Redis, see: Redis quickstart
  • Start a redis server: $ redis-server
  • Start Yil-Pil: $ python run.py

You can use the user interface or the REST-API.

How it looks like

Post Editor

Markdown Editor



More on screenshots

##API Documentation

Documentation format:

<Resource URL>, [@auth_required], [<data>], <method>
<brief description>

User resource

  • /users/<string:username>, {password="String", email="String"}, POST

    Inserts a new user.

     curl -X POST -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/users/hello -d "password=123" -d "email=hello@example.com"
  • /users/<string:name>, @auth_required, password="String", PUT

    Changes a user's password.

     curl -X PUT -u seven:123 -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/users/hello -d password=1234
  • /users/<string:name>, @auth_required, DELETE

    Deletes a user.

     curl -X POST -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/users/hello -d "password=123"

Post resource

  • /post/<int:id>, GET

    Gets a post given its id.

     curl -X GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/post/1
  • /post/<int:id>, @auth_required, DELETE

    Deletes a post given its id.

     curl -X DELETE -u seven:123 -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/post/1
  • /post/<int:id> (id ignored but necessary), @auth_required, {title, contents, tags, username}, POST

    Creates a new post.

     curl -X POST -u seven:123 -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/post/2 -d "title=Cool post!" -d "contents=how to jump" -d "tags=hello:tag two:cool" -d "username=seven"

    NOTE: each tag should be encoded in base64.

  • /post/<int:id>, @auth_required, {title, contents, tags, username}, PUT

    Updates an existing post.

     curl -X PUT -u seven:123 -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/post/2 -d "title=sometittle!" -d "contents=how to jump" -d "tags=hello:tag two:cool" -d "username=seven"

    NOTE: each tag should be encoded in base64.

Posts resource

  • /posts, { tag=string, {username=string, page=int}}, GET

    Gets all the posts given some parameters:

    • tag: gets all the posts with that tag.

       curl -X GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/posts -d "tag=sometag"
    • username and page: gets all the posts of a certain user. Nees pagination.

       curl -X GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/posts -d "username=seven" -d "page=1"

Tags resource

  • /tags/<string:username>, GET

    Gets all the tags used by a user.

     curl -X GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/tags/seven


  • /voting/<int:post_id>, @auth_required, {up:boolean, username:string}, PUT

    Votes up or down a post. (up: true, down:false).

     curl -X  PUT -u seven:123 -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/voting/2 -d "up=true" -d "username=seven"
     curl -X  PUT -u seven:123 -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/voting/2 -d "up=false" -d "username=seven"

Favourites Resource

  • favs/<string:user>, [count=string], GET

    Returns the favourited posts of a user.

     curl -X GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/favs/seven

    If count is specified just the number of favourites is returned.

     curl -X GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/favs/seven -d "count=true"
  • favs/<string:user>, @auth_required, {id=int}, POST

    Adds a post to the user's list of favourites.

     curl -X POST -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/favs/seven -d "id=4"
  • favs/<string:user>, @auth_required, {id=int}, DELETE Deletes a post from the user's list of favourites.

     curl -X DELTE -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/favs/seven -d "id=4"

Search Tags Resource

  • /search/tag, {letter=String, [page=int]}, GET

    Searches the tags starting by the requested letter; pagination may be used.

     curl -X  GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/search/tag -d "letter=H" -d "page=1"

Search Posts-Date Resource

  • /search/posts/date, {user=String, dateini=Int, [dateend=int], [page=int]}, GET

    Returns a list of posts wrote by the user user at the given date interval. If no dateend is specified Yil-Pil will retrieve the posts written at dateini day.

    All dates must be provided in YYYYMMDD format.

    Pagination may be used.

     curl -X  GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/search/posts/date -d "user=seven" -d "dateini=20141116" -d "page=1"

Search Posts-Title Resource

  • /search/posts/title, {title=String, [page=int]}, GET

    Returns a list of posts whose titles match the provided partial title.

    Pagination may be used.

     curl -X GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/search/posts/title -d "title=post" -d "page=2"

Last Updates Resource

  • /updates, {resource=String}, GET

    Returns the last updates of the requested resource. Correct resources are:

    • posts: gets the last posts stored in the app.
     curl -X  GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/updates -d "resource=posts"

Ranking Elements Resource

  • /ranking, {resource=String, [category=string, page=int]}, GET

    Returns the most popular items of a certain resource.

    Valid resources are:

    • tags: gets the most used tags. Returns a list of tag names with the tag name and the number of times the tag was used.
     curl -X GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/ranking -d "resource=tags"
    • posts: returns a list of posts ordered by its votes, from high to low. Pagination may be used, if not the first page is returned.
     curl -X GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/ranking -d "resource=posts"
    • posts and ```category``: returns a list of posts in the specified category ordered by its votes, from high to low. Pagination may be used, if not the first page is returned.
     curl -X GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/ranking -d "resource=posts" -d "category=python"

Index Resource

  • /index, [symbol=String], GET

    Returns the index of the categories in the server.

     curl -X GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/index

    If symbol is provided the categories starting with that symbol are returned.

     curl -X GET -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/index -d "symbol=l"

Auth Resource

  • /auth/token/<string:username>, , @auth_required, GET

    Returns an authorization token that can be used in future requests instead of the pair (user, pass).

     curl -X  GET -u seven:123 -i http://localhost:5000/yilpil/auth/token/seven