
LFI-Scan-v1.0 is a perl direction traversal scanner which find the right path and store it in a file.

Primary LanguagePerl

|      _     _____ ___     ____   ____    _    _   _         _   ___       |
|     | |   |  ___|_ _|   / ___| / ___|  / \  | \ | | __   _/ | / _ \      |
|     | |   | |_   | |____\___ \| |     / _ \ |  \| | \ \ / / || | | |     |
|     | |___|  _|  | |_____|__) | |___ / ___ \| |\  |  \ V /| || |_| |     |
|     |_____|_|   |___|   |____/ \____/_/   \_\_| \_|   \_/ |_(_)___/      |
|                                                                          |
 =============================by 7h30th3r0n3===============================

Direction traversal scanner

LFI-Scan-v1.0 is a perl direction traversal scanner which find the right path and store it in a file.

just launch it with perl , and enter a specific url with a direction traversal parameter.

exemple : www.website.com/index.php?id=

by 7h30th3r0n3