
Automate writeup for vulnerable machines.

Primary LanguageHTML


License: CC BY-SA 4.0

This is an automation framework for machine writeups. It defines a YAML based writeup template that can be used while working on a machine. Once the writeup is complete, the YAML writeup file can be used to render a .md and .pdf report along with stats and summary for all completed writeups. It works in conjunction with machinescli project, so all machine metadata is natively accessible:


You will need to configure machinescli before using svachal. Follow installation guide to create the shared machines.json file using machinescli:

Next, clone svachal repository and install requirements:

$ cd $HOME/toolbox/projects
$ git clone https://github.com/7h3rAm/svachal && cd svachal
$ python3 -m venv --copies venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 svachal.py -h

svachal expects GitHub to be the primary portal for writeups storage and sharing. As such, it needs a repo URL for links within writeup yml/md/pdf files to correctly point to right resources. Initialize svachal for first run by creating a writeups directory and run with -w and -g arguments:

$ mkdir -pv $HOME/toolbox/projects/writeups && cd $HOME/toolbox/projects/writeups
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Initial commit'
$ git remote add github http://github.com/<USERNAME>/writeups
$ git push github master
$ python3 $HOME/toolbox/projects/svachal.py -w $HOME/toolbox/projects/writeups -g http://github.com/<USERNAME>/writeups -s "https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/200"
    status: private
    datetime: 20220101
    infra: HackTheBox
    name: Rope
    points: 50
    path: htb.rope
    url: https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/200
    infocard: ./infocard.png
      - linux
      - hackthebox
      - enumerate_
      - exploit_
      - privesc_
    description: |
      This is a writeup for HackTheBox VM [`Rope`](https://app.hackthebox.eu/machines/200). Here's an overview of the `enumeration` → `exploitation` → `privilege escalation` process:

[+] writeup file '/home/kali/toolbox/projects/writeups/htb.rope/writeup.yml' created for target 'htb.rope'
[+] created '/home/kali/toolbox/projects/writeups/htb.rope/ratings.png' file for target 'htb.rope'
[+] created '/home/kali/toolbox/projects/writeups/htb.rope/matrix.png' file for target 'htb.rope'




  1. Start a new writeup: Start

  2. Finish a writeup: Finish

  3. Summarize all writeups: Summarize

  4. Override default writeup directory and GitHub repo URL:

$ svachal -w $HOME/<reponame> -g "https://github.com/<username>/<reponame>

Summarized Writeup Graphs

Top writeup categories

Top writeup ports

Top writeup protocols

Top writeup services

Argument Autocomplete

Source the .bash-completion file within a shell to trigger auto-complete for arguments. This will require the following alias:

alias svachal='python3 $HOME/toolbox/projects/svachal/svachal.py -w $HOME/toolbox/projects/writeups -g http://github.com/<USERNAME>/writeups'

You will need a Nerd Fonts patched font for OS icons and other symbols to be rendered correctly.