Replit Storage is a simple way to use the Replit Database in your repl.
const { Client } = require("replit-storage");
const client = new Client();
await client.set('key', `exampleValue`); // Sets `key` to `exampleValue`
await client.get('key'); // exampleValue
The parameter url is an optional custom DB URL.
These are the methods which a client instance provides.
get(String key, Object config?)
Gets a value.
client.get("key", { raw: false });
set(String|Number key, any value)
Sets a single entry through a key-value pair.
setMany(Object entries)
Sets multiple key-value pairs through an object.
delete(String key)
Deletes a key.
list(Object config?)
Lists all of the keys, or all of the keys starting with prefix
if specifed.
client.list({ prefix: "" });
Clears the database.
Get all key/value pairs and return as an object.
deleteMany(Array keys)
Deletes multiple keys.
bun i
bun run test