
CSV with more data types and other features.

Primary LanguagePython

📊 SuperCSV.

Adds simple typing system to CSV.

✨ Available CSV types.

integer int, i int
float f float
string str, s str
boolean bool, b bool
array arr, a list (not nested, supports only int, float, str, bool)
object obj, o dict
datetime dt, d datetime.datetime

📜 SuperCSV file syntax.

col1: TYPE1
col2: TYPE2


col1, col2

The @@ separates annotation header from data section and is required.

Type names are not case sensitive.

🚀 Usage.

name: string
age: int
adult: bool


import supercsv

csv: supercsv.parser.SCSVObject = supercsv.use_file("test.scsv")

# -- Reading.
csv[0] # -> Rturns first row.
csv.read(1) # -> Returns second row.
for row in csv.read_all():
  row # iterate over all rows.

# -- Writting.
new_row = {"name": "Alice", "age": 24, "adult": 1}

csv[0] = new_row # Override first row with new one.
csv.update_row(1, new_row) # Override second row with new one.
csv.update_field(0, "age", 28) # Update single field in the first row.

csv.insert_row(new_row) # Insert new row.

csv.remove_row(0) # Remove row at index 0.