
A crusty garbage collector for C

Primary LanguageC


"Garbage delenda est."

Cato's Bust

Cato is a crusty garbage collector implementing [Cheney's Algorithm] cheney wiki, the same one V8 uses for its first generation of garbage collection.

"Crusty" means you would never want to use Cato because it requires you to replace C's most basic operations with obtrusive macros. The source is small so it's worth a read. The relevant files are value.h, value.c, cheney.h, and cheney.c.

Using Cato

"Νature has it that style is in the service of thought, not the other way around."

The Virtual Stack

Cato needs to mirror your stack variables in its own virtual stack. This way it can start from the current and previous stack frames when scanning the state of your program for live objects. You must call pushFrame and popFrame at the beginning and end of every function call.

Initializing Variables

Cato also needs to know about new stack variables. To initialize a primitive, call PRIM_VAR(type, identifier, data). For a variable that holds references to other variables, call OBJ_VAR(type, identifier, data). For example:

    // Initialize a variable myVar of type char that holds the character 'b'
    PRIM_VAR(char, myVar, 'b');

    // Initialize a variable v1 of type Vertex that points to variables v2 and v3.
    OBJ_VAR(Vertex, v, ((Vertex) {
          .left = b,
          .right = c

Accessing variables

Accessing the value inside a variable also requires a macro, like so:

    PRIM_VAR(char, myVar, 'b');
    'b' == DATA(char, myVar); // => true

Cato's Values

"The best way to keep good acts in memory is to refresh them with new."

Cheney's Algorithm relies on the existence of composite values that reference each other. For this Cato defines the ValueHeader type. A value is either a primitive or a collection of references to other values. The ValueHeader is a struct that holds information about this value. The value's data is type-punned onto the ValueHeader. In other words, take a ValueHeader's address, offset that by the size of a ValueHeader, and that's where you'll find the associated data.

"ValueHeader" is a mouthful and it's always used as a pointer, so Cato helpfully aliases pointers to ValueHeaders as ValRefs.

Cheney's Algorithm

"Grasp the subject, the words will follow."

Cheney's Algorithm consists in allocating all objects in one arena. Once that arena reaches a certain capacity, its live objects are copied over to another, equal-capacity arena. Copied objects are replaced in the original arena with pointers to locations in the new one. These allow the algorithm to trace the graph of each object's references so that objects without references are never copied. The original arena is then freed and used as the destination to copy objects to once the new arena reaches its own usage limit.

To determine whether an object is live or garbage, Cato starts at the root set of objects and traces their references to other objects. Any object that isn't reachable from the root set is treated as garbage. While common, this approach is not exhaustive. Objects may be no longer needed and yet still reacheable from the root set. The root set is the set of variables in current or previous stack frames.

Lessons Learned

"Wise men learn more from fools than fools from the wise."

When incrementing a variable, always check whether it holds a pointer that could affect the size of the increment.

GCC allows the creation of arbitrary scopes using curly braces. This is good for keeping variables private inside a macro.

To avoid surprises when the compiler [inserts padding between unaligned values] alignment article, Cato records the length of a value in its ValueHeader as a multiple of the ValueHeader type's alignment requirement. That number is 8 bytes on most platforms because the ValueHeader's member type with the highest alignment requirement is a size_t. To avoid hard-coding this number, Cato uses the __alignof operator.