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  • An Brainstorm Plugin to create a new react functional component with all additional files like SCSS, Spec, Storybook.
  • Add Redux reducer module with actions, mutations, state and types.
  • Add custom templates to match your coding style and your needs.

Settings Create component Create Reducer


Search for React Component Creator in the plugins settings. Or download the plugin from the release site

Custom Templates

If you are not happy with the predefined templates, you can choose your own templates. The templates will be processed with mustache as templating. All variables can also be used for the filenames.

Following variables are available


variable Description
{{componentName}} the inputted component name. Without any alterations
{{componentCamelcaseName}} Camelcased input my-component becomes MyComponent


variable Description
{{actionFunctionName}} Name of the function inside the actions.ts file
{{moduleName}} Name of the folder
{{mutationType}} String which will be used as type of the dispatch/mutation
{{moduleNamePascalCase}} Pascalcased moduleName
{{stateName}} Name for the state. my-component becomes MyComponentState
{{actionTypeName}} Takes the input of actionFunctionName and capitalizes the first letter and appends Action. From setData becomes SetDataAction
{{actionTypesEnumName}} Name used for the action types enum. actionTypesEnumName is the namespace where all mutationType actions are kept


Follow the Setup Instructions


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