
Angular 5 auth using spotify

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


App: https://7jpsan.github.io/spotify-auth-demo/ Repo: https://github.com/7jpsan/spotify-auth-demo/

Spotify Auth - Angular 5

This is a simple library that handles the authentication workflow for an angular 5 application interacting with angular api in a JS only environment, no backend service is required!

Features (v2+):

  • An auth library for spotify api v1 and angular 5
  • A demo application that exemplifies the use.

Coming next:

  • Handle token expiration / invalidity
  • Handle session persistence

Difference of this fork

This is a fork/implementation of https://github.com/cyrilletuzi/angular-quickstart-lib which was forked from https://github.com/filipesilva/angular-quickstart-lib go ahead and read their work, it is awesome!


After a lot of time, using the @angular/router and/or RouterModule in a library is quite complicated... I have decided to remove it and expose the mechanisms to the consumer app.


Make sure you have at least Node 6.9 and NPM 3.0 installed.


npm install spotify-auth


  • Inherit the http Interceptor spotify-auth.interceptor.ts

     import { Injectable } from  '@angular/core';
     import  'rxjs/add/operator/do'; //Required, yes!
     import { TokenService, SpotifyAuthInterceptor } from  'spotify-auth';
     export  class  SpotifyAuthInterceptor2  extends  SpotifyAuthInterceptor {
     	doOnError(err:  any):  void {}
     	constructor(tokenSvc:  TokenService) {
  • Listen for the authService.authorizedStream and route accordingly. When the login is complete, the stream will emit a true value, which means everything is ok (it hit the authorized url with the right stuff, you should now go to a route you have defined in your router module.


     import { Component, OnInit } from  '@angular/core';
     import { AuthService, ScopesBuilder, AuthConfig, TokenService } from  'spotify-auth';
     	private  infoSvc:  InfoService,
     	private  tokenSvc:  TokenService,
     	private  authService:  AuthService,
     	private  router:  Router
     ) {}
     ngOnInit():  void {
     	this.authService.authorizedStream.pipe(filter(x  =>  x)).subscribe(() => {
  • Create an authorize/login method that uses the module: login.component.ts

     	import { Component, OnInit } from  '@angular/core';
     	import { AuthService, ScopesBuilder, AuthConfig } from 'spotify-auth';
     	export class SomeClass(){
     			private  authService:  AuthService,
     			private  tokenSvc:  TokenService,
     			private  router:  Router) { }
     		public  login():  void {
     			const scopes = new ScopesBuilder()/* .withScopes(ScopesBuilder.LIBRARY) */.build();
     				const ac:  AuthConfig  = {
     					// WebPortal App Id. Your application id from spotify
     					client_id:  "3af5f43840144db2a5ef883b56c5fb7e", 
     					response_type:  "token",
     					// Whitelisted URL, must end with the authozed path for the magic to happen.
     					//i.e:(http://your-domain/yourapp/authorized Or http://localhost:4200/authorized)
     					redirect_uri:  "http://7jpsan.github.io/spotify-auth-demo/authorized", 
     					state:  "",
     					show_dialog:  true,
     					scope:  scopes
     				this.authService.configure(ac).authorize(); // Magic happens here
  • app.module.ts and/or app-routing.module.ts :

     	import { NgModule, Injectable } from  '@angular/core';
     	import { SpotifyAuthModule } from  'spotify-auth';
     	import { SpotifyAuthInterceptor2 } from  './spotify-auth.interceptor';
         const  routes:  Routes  = [
     	path:  '',
     	redirectTo:  'user',
     	pathMatch:  'full'
     	path:  'user',
     	component:  UserComponent
     	SpotifyAuthModule.authRoutes()[0] //(Static guarded route with component)
     	imports: [
     	SpotifyAuthModule.forRoot(),  //forRoot!!!!
     	declarations: [ AppComponent, UserComponent, LoginComponent, AlbumsComponent ],
     	bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
     	exports: [],
     	providers: [
     				provide:  HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
     				//Force interception to use your new shiny headers!
     				useClass:  SpotifyAuthInterceptor2,
     				multi:  true
     export  class  AppModule {}

That is it! The code should take care of the rest for you. Enjoy! There is a demo app here https://github.com/7jpsan/spotify-auth-demo. Ignore the one present in this repo. It was split, but never removed. Self TODO :)

If anything goes wrong, please raise an issue!