- Register a new student.
- Add study materials.
- Add classes.
- Add academic years.
- Recording the absence of students.
- Recording students' grades
- Students promotion.
- User Login.
- User permissions.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
It's best to install Python projects in a Virtual Environment. Once you have set up a VE, clone this project
git clone https://github.com/Ho011/small_sms_api.git
cd small_sms_api
pip install -r requirements.txt
The application uses an .env file to manage environment varialbes. A .env.example
file is included in the project for your modification. (Remember to rename the file to .env
in order for your environment variables to be read.)
The configuration can be changed to use the OS environment based on the FastAPI Settings documentation if you prefer.
alembic upgrade head
you must create a postgres database the same as your env, before running alembic upgrade head.
Once the prerequisites are met, The following steps can be used to get the application up and running. All commands are run from the root directory of the project
uvicorn app.main:app --reload
This project is in progress, there may be several bugs. So if you discover that there are any errors, please fix them, and if you want to improve or add something, your contribution is welcome.