
Artificial life using the Brainfuck-like language, which mimics Tierra

Primary LanguageC#Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Artificial life using the Brainfuck-like language, which mimics Tierra.

screen shot

Instruction Set

Extended Brainfuck by adding pointer registers r1 and r2.

Defined in Form1.cs:

private string[] mnemonic = new[]
    /* 0 */ "halt",
    /* 1 */ "inc r0",
    /* 2 */ "inc r1",
    /* 3 */ "inc r2",
    /* 4 */ "dec r0",
    /* 5 */ "dec r1",
    /* 6 */ "dec r2",
    /* 7 */ "mov r0, [r1]",
    /* 8 */ "mov r0, [r2]",
    /* 9 */ "mov [r1], r0",
    /* a */ "mov [r2], r0",
    /* b */ "while [r1]",
    /* c */ "while true",
    /* d */ "wend",
    /* e */ "rand r2",
    /* f */ "join r2",

Code Template

Self-replicating code that starts the mutation. r1 points to the address of the self, and copies it to the random address r2. join r2 gives it life.

Defined in Form1.cs:

private byte[] Template = new byte[]
    0xc, // while true
    0xb, //   while [r1]
    0x7, //     mov r0, [r1]
    0x2, //     inc r1
    0xa, //     mov [r2], r0
    0x3, //     inc r2
    0xd, //   wend
    0x5, //   dec r1
    0xb, //   while [r1]
    0x5, //     dec r1
    0x6, //     dec r2
    0xd, //   wend
    0x2, //   inc r1
    0xf, //   join r2
    0xe, //   rand r2
    0xd, // wend
    0x0, // halt