Aspire & Aspir8 Microservices Tutorial


Welcome to the Aspire & Aspir8 Microservices Tutorial repository. This repository contains the necessary code and resources to guide you through setting up and deploying microservices in a Kubernetes environment using Aspire & Aspir8. It's designed to simplify the process of managing container orchestration and service discovery without the need for complex Docker or YAML configurations.

Blog Post:


Before starting with the tutorial, ensure you have the following tools installed:

Project Structure

This project includes:

  1. App Host: The core of the project, responsible for initiating and managing microservices.
  2. Service Defaults: Extension methods for integrating features like Prometheus, logging, health checks, and APM.


  • Microservice 1: A simple service demonstrating basic functionality.
  • Microservice 2: A secondary service showcasing additional routing capabilities.

API Gateway

  • Configured with YARP to demonstrate dynamic routing to different microservices.

Getting Started

  • Go into app host project and run dotnet watch or dotnet run