
CLI tool for publishing to and consuming from AMQP servers (eg. RabbitMq) - now with consume to files option

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT


netcat for AMQP. CLI tool to publish to and consume from AMQP servers.


Install Crystal.

Build from source:

git clone https://github.com/thomaspeissl/amqpcat.git
cd amqpcat

# compile to executable
shards build --release --production
# OR append --static if you need static linking 
shards build --release --production --static

This will create a new folder called bin with the amqpcat executable.


Usage: amqpcat [arguments]
    -P, --producer                   Producer mode, reading from STDIN, each line is a new message
    -C, --consumer                   Consume mode, message bodies are written to STDOUT
    -u URI, --uri=URI                URI to AMQP server
    -e EXCHANGE, --exchange=EXCHANGE Exchange
    -r ROUTINGKEY, --routing-key=KEY Routing key
    -q QUEUE, --queue=QUEUE          Queue to consume from
    -c, --publish-confirm            Confirm publishes
    -l, --consume-to-files           Save consumed messages to timestamped logfiles
    -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT       Format string (default "%s\n")
				     %e: Exchange name
				     %r: Routing key
				     %s: Body, as string
				     \n: Newline
				     \t: Tab
    -v, --version                    Display version
    -h, --help                       Show this help message


Send messages to a queue named test:

echo Hello World | amqpcat --producer --uri=$CLOUDAMQP_URL --queue test

Consume from the queue named test:

amqpcat --consumer --uri=$CLOUDAMQP_URL --queue test

With a temporary queue, consume messages sent to the exchange amq.topic with the routing key 'hello.world':

amqpcat --consumer --uri=$CLOUDAMQP_URL --exchange amq.topic --routing-key hello.world

Consume from the queue named test, format the output as CSV and pipe to file:

amqpcat --consumer --uri=$CLOUDAMQP_URL --queue test --format "%e,%r,"%s"\n | tee messages.csv

Publish messages from syslog to the exchange 'syslog' topic with the hostname as routing key

tail -f /var/log/syslog | amqpcat --producer --uri=$CLOUDAMQP_URL --exchange syslog --routing-key $HOSTNAME

Consume, parse and extract data from json messages:

amqpcat --consumer --queue json | jq .property


amqpcat is built with Crystal

Compile and run

shards run

# run with command arguments
shards run amqpcat -- args -P
